thanks for adding # to bun numbers.
when a request is made, plz let the BO/BV you got the message.
corrected the bread number to #21592
did not lock this bread because you didn't post dough yet
thanks for adding # to bun numbers.
when a request is made, plz let the BO/BV you got the message.
corrected the bread number to #21592
did not lock this bread because you didn't post dough yet
Great baking, great notes.
Just a tip - Try to bake at 700+ at current bread pace, otherwise, anons are stuck with shitposting for 80 posts.
if you have too many notes, split them - see Globals for info. Questions?
sorry request was at end of bread
we are shorthanded because of hurricane
just arrived towards the end.
much appreciate all you do.
i must be dense, don get it - kek
RE splitting the bun into two:
just treat each half like they are totally separate
you can have planefag reports for each for example
or you can put all the info on a topic in one bun or the other, doesn't really matter
>shitposting 80 posts
>Is that a bad thing?
Good for "pro" shitposters
Mebbe not for diggers who don't know bread is already baked, kek
especially young pharmacists with student loans to pay off
young docs have the same problem
spam removed
refresh for correct count
what is your OP?
tx baker, rest well.
What's the source re FEMA?
DeSantis is a politician
it's pro forma to thank the feds when they give your state emergency money
RRN - kek.
any anon able to take notes or baker?
descriptions should be interdasting.