Anonymous ID: 15be8c Sept. 30, 2022, 4:01 p.m. No.17610905   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1194 >>1224


She scares “them” anon, like no one else I’ve seen outside of President Trump himself. Here’s a key excerpt from the article:


There are blended families, adopted families, families in which parents have different religions, families where parents are of the same sex. But Meloni would reject many of them.“Yes to natural families, no to the LGBT lobby,”she says.


To add the caveat “natural” to the word “family” is to diminish the potential that the family has for generous re-invention. One of Meloni’s colleagues recently called for an episode of Peppa Pig to be banned because it depicts co-parenting lesbian polar bears sitting down to eat spaghetti together while a little polar bear explains: “I live with my mummy and my other mummy.” This is precisely what it means to be family for some people. Ironically, that episode is called: “Families”. It is not an attack on families but a celebration of them.


And then there’s Meloni’s twisted idea of nation. Even the Labour Party is singing “God save the King” these days, with only the magic grandpa grumbling away that this is “excessively nationalist”. Not that he would think that the NHS is “excessively nationalist”, nor an extensive programme of nationalisation. The concept of nation and its extensions is not the preserve of retired army colonels longing to bring back the days of flogging and national service. But when Meloni mentions the nation, it is hard not to notice its darker undertones.She talks of the threat of “ethnic substitution”, and of the need to defend our “genetic code”.


Here is where things turn nasty. For while the nation is a good thing and, I believe, the epitome of democratic legitimacy, ethnic nationalism is the very essence of fascism. And Meloni knows this: she comes from the birthplace of fascism. Her party grew out of Mussolini’s. And while a party’s past cannot be allowed to determine its present — the Democrats were the most enthusiastic supporters of slavery — such a past should make a political party all the more scrupulous about what it says, especially when discussing race. And especially Jews.


WhenMeloni repeatedly denounces George Soros as the enemy, and speaks of her resistance to becoming a “perfect slave at the mercy of financial speculators”, she is not just attacking capitalism, she is subtly eliding financial oppression and Jews. The idea of financial speculators preying upon good Christian men and women is one of the oldest antisemitic themes in the book.Saying she supports Israel means little when she’s spouting stuff like this.

Anonymous ID: 15be8c Sept. 30, 2022, 5:58 p.m. No.17611495   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I’m thinking about getting some ear gauges, a nose piercing with a bone right through the septum, and one of those African tribal plates in my bottom lip.

Anonymous ID: 15be8c Sept. 30, 2022, 6:03 p.m. No.17611531   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Watch the price of gas skyrocket after the election


Yup. You can set your watch by it. They’re doing just enough to keep gas prices where they are currently because they know it crucial for the midterms. In reality the national average should be somewhere around $2/gallon, but they’re relying on the stupidity of the American people to not really rationalize that and, unfortunately, they’re right. Too many people are ignorant, gullible, and just flat incapable of critical thought. All by design too.

Anonymous ID: 15be8c Sept. 30, 2022, 6:12 p.m. No.17611588   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>until Putin is replaced as president


That’s the endgame for the NWO. They’re beef isn’t with Russia, it’s withPutin. He’s in the way. He’s the one who has called them out and, let’s not forget, the one whobroke Russia free from central bank bondage when he payed of the Rothschild banking system debts. That took a lot of the power, control, and sway that the NWO had over Russia and the NWO doesn’t tolerate that sort of thing. It’s been a few years in the making but the NWO/NATO intentionally and strategically made move after move to encroach on Russia’s sovereignty and provoke their leader, Putin, untilhe essentially had no choice but to respond. Unfortunately, I believe they will ultimately succeed inremoving him(one way or another), therebyimmediately opening the door for the rise of the Antichrist to power and the Great Tribulation. Hold the line anon! Things might get bumpy!