Alliance has known for some time that the Cabal were going to use Manafort as a distraction for the IG report.
As Q stated there are multiple versions of the IG report. The Cabal know this too but figured if they get theirs out first they can claim it's real and use that to discredit the release of the real report. Congress memebrs are already questioning the reports validity.
To back up the BS report MSM HRC and all the usual suspects all act in unison downplaying the report and claim innocence.
Alliance uses fake report to draw fire from the Cabal, Manafort is Jailed by Cabal judge so MSM can have a field day gloating about how they are right. Self validating their position.
IG now claims he didn't receive all texts from Strzok Page. IG states Huma destroyed emails.
Alliance media is highlighting the two teared justice system. Naming all the corrupt players. Setting the stage.
Wray and Sessions make public statements stating their is no bias.Giving the Cabal the impression they have gotten away with it all.
McCabe violated the law by giving HRC information after recusal. Comey deleted evidence about the HRC alleged hack.
Fox news prints an article talking about IG report 2.0. Russia probe, this will show they were prepared to provoke a nuclear state to achieve their goals.
The Alliance is showing the world the depths of the corruption.
Liberals would prefer WW3 than having Trump succeed with NK peace deal. More proof they are happy to kill THE PEOPLE instead of allowing Trump to succeed.
The world is being shown that the Cabal wants war and will lie cheat steal and kill to make it happen.
The Alliance knows there will be some level of bloodshed but is trying to limit the damage. 4-6% of the population can easily be contained by the other 94-96%. It's a numbers game.
END (for now as this fed into a much larger theory I'm working on but I do not want to tip the hand of the Alliance.)
Godspeed Patriots!