Anonymous ID: 627ee8 June 15, 2018, 1:11 p.m. No.1761484   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2014



Breaking: DEEP STATE Scrubbed Obama’s Name from FBI Report on Hillary’s Emails


Thanks to the release of the IG report on Thursday we know that Barack Obama had direct contact with Clinton on private email server.


President Obama was one of a select handful of individuals who had “direct contact” with Hillary Clinton on her private email account, Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz indicated in his bombshell report Thursday on the Clinton email probe.


In a footnote, the DOJ watchdog notes that “FBI analysts and Prosecutor 2 told us that former President Barack Obama was one of the 13 individuals with whom Clinton had direct contact using her account.“


But the Obama DOJ hid this from the American public.

In fact, the Obama Deep State scrubbed Obama’s name from the FBI report on Hillary Clinton’s email investigation.


100% Fed Up reported on this stunning revelation from the IG report.

Via Twitchy.


Scandal-free president had name scrubbed from James Comey’s report on Hillary


Thanks for a Friday night news dump last September, we knew that Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was emailing back-and-forth with President Obama using her private email address routed through her homebrew server. Don’t worry about national security, though: Obama used a pseudonym that not even Huma Abedin knew, so it was all very secure.


That fact came up Thursday with the release of the OIG report, but with a new twist: according to the report, Clinton “used her private email extensively while outside the United States, including from the territory of sophisticated adversaries,” but the fact that she was corresponding with the president was scrubbed from James Comey’s exoneration.


David French tweets screenshots from the IG report:

Sean Davis tweeted: Obama knew about Hillary’s secret e-mail scheme, because she e-mailed him using her private address “while in the territory of a foreign adversary.” That finding was removed from Comey’s statement exonerating Clinton.

Anonymous ID: 627ee8 June 15, 2018, 1:15 p.m. No.1761516   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1543 >>2014


Coincidence? US Resumes Funding for White Helmets, as Russia Warns of False Flag Attack in Syria


The timing of the Russian Ministry of Defense warning of a false flag in Syria is ominously paired with the US restarting to fund the terrorist-linked White Helmets group.

Anonymous ID: 627ee8 June 15, 2018, 1:19 p.m. No.1761566   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I'm leaning towards this being a set up by Trump and Putin. Trump has given them the rope.

Anonymous ID: 627ee8 June 15, 2018, 1:21 p.m. No.1761593   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Following U.S. Threats, Syrian Army Shells Militants’ Positions In Southwestern Syria

Anonymous ID: 627ee8 June 15, 2018, 1:23 p.m. No.1761619   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The United States’ demands regarding reforming the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) have failed to be met, and as such Washington is reportedly ready to pull out over what it calls anti-Israel bias and the inclusion of alleged rights abusers.


Diplomats told Reuters that it's merely a matter of time before the US exits the council, which will convene Monday for a three week convention that will last until July 6. One US source who spoke anonymously said that an announcement looks "imminent."


Another US official in Geneva, where the UNHRC will meet June 18, said, "we are still moving ahead with our engagement for the coming session."


US Ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley has cast shade on the council since taking the job, while both the US State Department and US President Donald Trump himself found issue with it in 2017.


On June 6, 2017, Haley went to Geneva to give the council a series of ultimatums. At the meeting, she said, "It's hard to accept that this council has never considered a resolution on Venezuela, and yet it adopted five biased resolutions in March against a single country: Israel. It is essential that this council address its chronic anti-Israel bias if it is to have any credibility."


Later in the day, she expanded on her grievances against the council at a speech she gave to the Graduate Institute of Geneva, noting that the UNHRC had, by then, passed "more than 70 resolutions targeting Israel" since its inception in 2006, but "just seven on Iran." The UNHRC has passed more resolutions against Israel than the rest of the world's countries combined, according to the Geneva-based UN Watch.

"This relentless, pathological campaign against a country that actually has a strong human rights record makes a mockery not of Israel, but of the council itself."


She also called on the body to do two things: "Act to keep the worst human rights abusers from obtaining seats on the council," and remove permanent Agenda Item 7, which requires that the council address the "human rights situation in Palestine and other occupied Arab territories," regularly when it meets.


Trump later echoed those demands in his speech to the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) on September 19, 2017, calling the inclusion of governments with "egregious human rights records" in the UNHRC a "massive source of embarrassment to the United Nations." He also singled out North Korea and Iran for their hostility to Israel.



Anonymous ID: 627ee8 June 15, 2018, 1:25 p.m. No.1761640   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1647 >>2014

Aborted baby remains discovered in warehouse of biotech company that ran human body parts trade in America


Federal authorities are trying to figure out what to do with a mass of aborted baby body parts they recently discovered at a biotechnology firm in Michigan, the owner of which is currently serving a nine-year prison sentence for deceiving customers about infected human remains.


International Biological Inc., located in Detroit, is a biotech firm that deals in human remains for research purposes, so it’s to be expected that human body parts will be present within its walls. But investigators believe that the remains of four second-trimester babies they discovered may have been collected from abortion procedures in violation of the law.


Arthur Rathburn, the owner of International Biological, and the man currently serving prison time for other crimes, recently had his offices and warehouses raided, during which agents identified the body parts of these tiny infants. None of this was mentioned during Rathburn’s trial, and now that it’s over, authorities are wondering what to do with the remains.


“FBI evidence lockers and freezers now contain the gruesome evidence, an undisclosed number of bodies, heads, arms, legs, organs, torsos, and apparently, fetuses,” local news outlet, reported.


“Officials haven’t said what will happen with those human remains, but on Tuesday, June 5, federal prosecutors filed a request for a court order to cremate the body parts and return ashes to the respective families.”


When he was still in business, Rathburn reportedly rented out body parts that were infected with diseases like HIV, hepatitis, and sepsis, as well as illegally transporting hazardous materials to at least 140 clients between the years of 2000 and 2013. And for this crime he is now paying the price of justice. But many are wondering whether he might deserve an even harsher punishment for potentially having obtained baby fetal tissue illegally.


“We want to know if he bought these babies from an abortion clinic, which may have violated our old state law at the time,” stated Chris Gast, a spokesman for Right to Life of Michigan, during the opening day of Rathburn’s trial. “The evidence may also shed additional light on ongoing issues regarding fetal tissue research.


“Even if these babies were stillborn and Rathburn got them from a hospital, there still may be violations of state law. Out of human decency, the parents of these children have the same right to know as the families of all of the other people whose bodies were handled so grotesquely.”

Was Rathburn a customer of Planned Parenthood, which may have illegally sold him aborted baby body parts?


It’s all disturbingly reminiscent of the evil activities taking place at Planned Parenthood that were exposed by the Center for Medical Progress, a pro-life organization that conducted a vast undercover investigation into felony crimes being committed by the nation’s largest abortion provider.


In case you somehow missed it, Planned Parenthood was outed for illegally selling aborted baby body parts like the kind recently found at Rathburn’s biotech firm. Planned Parenthood employees were exposed for collecting this fetal tissue and selling it for cash to firms just like Rathburn’s, suggesting that he may have been one of Planned Parenthood’s customers.


“Companies can receive compensation for the costs of storing and transporting human remains to medical groups for research and training,” writes Micaiah Bilger for “But it appears that Planned Parenthood and other abortion businesses allegedly used this loophole to profit from the sales of aborted baby body parts.”


Whether or not Rathburn had any ties to Planned Parenthood remains to be seen. Meanwhile, Rathburn is appealing his sentence and conviction, apparently believing that he didn’t do anything wrong.

Anonymous ID: 627ee8 June 15, 2018, 1:28 p.m. No.1761665   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2014


Exclusive — Majority Whip Steve Scalise Joins President Trump in Opposition to Paul Ryan’s Amnesty Bill


House Majority Whip Steve Scalise opposes House Speaker Paul Ryan’s amnesty plan, his office confirmed to Breitbart News on Friday. Scalise joins President Donald Trump in opposing the Ryan amnesty plan, which is scheduled at this time for a vote next Thursday in the House.


“Scalise did not, in fact, whip the compromise legislation today, and he does not intend to whip any immigration bill unless it has the support of President Trump,” Scalise spokeswoman Lauren Fine told Breitbart News. “He will not support immigration legislation that the president opposes.”


Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy’s office continues to decline to answer whether he will stand with President Trump or with lame duck Paul Ryan’s amnesty plan. But now, it is clear the House GOP leadership team is divided, as Ryan is the only member of the leadership team on record in favor of this amnesty plan the speaker put forward, all as President Trump came out in strong opposition to it on Friday morning.


Trump, on Fox and Friends, said that he “certainly wouldn’t sign” the lame duck Ryan’s amnesty bill if it ever made it to his desk.


Scalise’s opposition to the Ryan bill, his office confirmed, is predicated on the fact that President Trump opposes it. If that somehow changes, Scalise’s position could change. But, Scalise himself told Breitbart News he stands with the president.


“As we draft legislation to fix our broken immigration system, I’m working with President Trump on a bill that secures the border, fully funds the wall, closes loopholes on enforcement, and solves the DACA problem in a way that restores the rule of law,” Scalise told Breitbart News.


In other words, the Ryan bill does not do those things, President Trump opposes it, and Scalise stands with Trump against Ryan and the speaker’s amnesty plan.


Desperate administration officials who were involved with Ryan in crafting the amnesty plan have since claimed–anonymously–to The Hill newspaper that the president misspoke, but several White House officials in contact with the president on this matter have told Breitbart News that The Hill‘s report using anonymous sources is simply incorrect.

While those anonymous quotes in The Hill newspaper appear to suggest otherwise, at least two senior White House officials have told Breitbart News that whoever leaked that inaccurate information was simply mistaken.


“President Trump does not appreciate leakers, especially ones who push inaccurate information,” one White House official said. “He appreciates people who suggest inaccurately he ‘misspoke’ about or ‘misunderstood’ something even less. Swift justice should be coming their way soon.”


“President Trump made his views on the Ryan amnesty bill very clear today,” another White House official said. “Unless he says something different publicly, it should be presumed that he knows exactly what he was talking about and what he was saying and why.”


Now that Scalise has joined President Trump in opposition to the Ryan amnesty plan, Ryan’s position as speaker is on even shakier ground. Rep. Steve King (R-IA), in an interview on Breitbart News Tonight on SiriusXM 125 the Patriot Channel this week, has said that Republicans are discussing now forcibly removing Ryan from the Speakership so as the party can move past his failures onto completing the president’s agenda.

Anonymous ID: 627ee8 June 15, 2018, 1:32 p.m. No.1761700   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1812 >>1829


Deadly brain-eating parasite strikes Louisiana water supply

Anonymous ID: 627ee8 June 15, 2018, 1:35 p.m. No.1761731   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Former Bank of Canada Head: Pipeline Protesters May Be Killed. So Be It.


As Canada's controversial Trans Mountain pipeline expansion project faces ongoing opposition, the former governor of the Bank of Canada said that protesters may die but that the government should push the project through anyway.


Speaking at an event Wednesday, David Dodge said, "We're going to have some very unpleasant circumstances," the Edmonton Journal reported. "There are some people that are going to die in protesting construction of this pipeline. We have to understand that."


"Nevertheless, we have to be willing to enforce the law once it's there," Dodge said. "It's going to take some fortitude to stand up."


In an interview with the Journal, he elaborated by saying, "We have seen it other places, that equivalent of religious zeal leading to flouting of the law in a way that could lead to death."


Dodge's comments prompted outrage from climate activists.


Author and 350-org co-founder Bill McKibben warned, "North American governments have shown the 'fortitude' necessary to kill indigenous people often enough that this is no idle threat," while Canandian author Naomi Klein called the threat a "disgrace." She added, "If the worst happens, we now know they went into this with their eyes wide open."


North American governments have shown the "fortitude" necessary to kill indigenous people often enough that this is no idle threat.

— Bill McKibben (@billmckibben) June 15, 2018


Greenpeace climate and energy campaigner Mike Hudema, meanwhile, wondered if Canadian Prime Minister Justine Trudeau would weigh in on Dodge's remarks.


Is Prime Minister @JustinTrudeau going to condemn these comments from former Bank of Canada governor basically saying - 'We need this pipeline. If people need to die because of it. Well so be it that's the cost of doing business.' #cdnpoli #bcpoli

— Mike Hudema (@MikeHudema) June 14, 2018


Trudeau was the target of sharp criticism from environmental advocacy groups after announcing last month that the government would purchase the pipeline and expansion system, which will roughly triple the system's capacity. That $4.5 billion buyout, commented the B.C.-based Dogwood Initiative, makes every taxpayer "partial owner of a leaky 65-year-old pipeline—and the proponent of a still uncosted oil tanker expansion project."


Dodge, for his part, has been described as "not inclined to hold his tongue."


His comments about the pipeline protesters come days after he accused climate activists of making it harder to enact policies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and said Canada should "sell our hydrocarbons, which we produce, to foreigners at the highest possible market price….including the sale of bitumen from the oilsands, while demand for oil is robust and still growing."

Anonymous ID: 627ee8 June 15, 2018, 1:37 p.m. No.1761762   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1775 >>1918

'Cameras Off': New Video Shows Vegas Shooting Strike Team Being Told to Turn Off Body Cams


Las Vegas, NV — After being forced to release information on the October 1 massacre, the Las Vegas police department—in an insultingly futile attempt at transparency—has been dumping information related to the shooting. In what appears to be a deliberate attempt to muddy the waters, much of the video released by the department has no time stamps and is provided without context. However, one particularly suspicious set of videos was released Thursday which shows cops being told to turn off their body cameras.


For months, the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department has been caught lying, railroading journalists, and done everything in their power to keep the facts on what happened on 1 October from ever reaching the public.


The department’s desire to keep the information secret was so overwhelming that they fought its release all the way to the Nevada Supreme Court. Early last month, however, the court rejected the police department’s bid to keep the records secret and they are now forced to hand everything over. Instead of cataloged evidence and detailed reports, however, they’re merely releasing random unlabeled pieces of information.


A large dump of video taken from 28 different body cameras was released this week. According to the Las Vegas Review Journal, most of the videos had no time stamps, but they were taken at some point during the response to Stephen Paddock carrying out the massacre.


Four of the videos in this massive dump of footage show officers who are part of a strike team assembling near the Mandalay Bay Casino. According to the chatter captured on the video, the strike team is prepping to enter the hotel.


“Officers are waiting. They’re waiting,” says a male voice off screen. “Officers are waiting to get in there.”


As police stand in line waiting to enter the hotel, multiple body cameras show a female officer walking down the rows, instructing the officers to turn off their cameras.


“Cameras are off? Cameras off? Cameras are off?” she says.


An officer repeats “Camera is off,” and each video ends.


As the Journal reports, it is not clear when or why the cameras were activated. One video is 18 minutes long, one is 20 minutes, and two others are just over a minute each. It is also unclear why the officers were told to turn their cameras off.


When the Journal reached out to the department to clarify why officers were told to turn off their body cameras, predictably, the department did not answer. However, their body camera policy is public and these videos appear to show them violating it.


According to their body camera policy, once the officer’s camera is activated, it should continue recording unless there is a reasonable exception.


As the Journal reports, exceptions include if the event is “of a sensitive nature,” such as the sexual assault of a child; if the event has concluded prior to an officer’s arrival; or if an officer determines the recording must be stopped, “based on clearly articulable reasons.”


What’s more, and what clearly did not happen in this footage, is that the department policy states, “Officers must state the specific reason(s) they are turning off their cameras before doing so.”


The more information that comes out on the horrific events of that fateful night, the more questions the public has. The uncooperative behavior by the Las Vegas Metropolitan police department is a kick in the teeth to the victims and their families.


As the suspect video below shows, from the very beginning of the shooting, Vegas police were actively engaged in keeping this information from the public. Shameful indeed.


If you’d like to voice your concern about their lack of transparency and overt attempt at covering up the facts as to what happened in Vegas, you can peacefully do so at the department’s Facebook page, here.Or, you can call them at (702) 828-3394.