Anonymous ID: 6494c4 Sept. 30, 2022, 8:31 p.m. No.17612395   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Laundering with Immunity: The Control Framework – Part 1


A band of criminals got together a century ago and decided they were going to own the world, hold all of the power, create and hoard all of the money, and keep everyone on a constant spin cycle to fool them. Not only were they going to construct it as they saw fit, but they were going to build the most elaborate enslavement system this world has ever seen – one that gives them full immunity, allows them to operate outside the law entirely, and they were going to do it without anyone realizing it until it was too late. These self-imposed “rulers” believe themselves to be untouchable, have created documents stating as much, and are laughing at humanity as people move about their lives unaware of this elaborate scheme.


This is the story that needs to be shared with the world and with every state legislator who should move immediately to create independence from the Federal Reserve system and Central Banks, and enforce our Constitution and financial management laws to protect sovereignty at the state and local level. This should include steps to recapture monies illegally stolen, to prevent current and future illegal expenditure of our tax monies and to end sovereign immunity privileges that have been used to engage in systematic criminal activities and racketeering.


• 76 International organizations and banks enjoy immunities, privileges, and tax exemptions


• GAVI, Big Pharma, and CERN enjoy similar immunities


• The Bank for International Settlements has sovereign immunity and some of these immunities extend to its members, being 63 central banks and the Federal Reserve System, while other immunities extend to “systemically important institutions”


• Trillions of taxpayer dollars and printed money has moved through these organizations and banks with no transparency or accountability as they continue to build a global enslavement system


• Hundreds, if not thousands, of NGOs and corporations work with and through these organizations and banks, some of whom have agreements, NDAs, and/or immunity by extension


They do not operate above the law, they operate entirely outside of the law.


Part 2 dives deep into connections that unveil a larger group pulling many strings that seems to have received little to no exposure, and shows just how far this extends and the true power they all hold – where laws and the constitution don’t seem to exist for them.

Anonymous ID: 6494c4 Sept. 30, 2022, 8:49 p.m. No.17612474   🗄️.is 🔗kun

PEDO BUN 30 September 22


Thirty-Year-Old Mississippi Man Charged with Attempted Coercion and Enticement of a Minor to Engage in Criminal Sexual Activity


Canadian Citizen Charged with Attempted Enticement of a Minor


Former military spouse sentenced to 12 years in prison for attempted enticement of minors

Sexually molested children left in his care and attempted to obtain sexually explicit photos of 12-year-olds


Perth man charged with alleged online child abuse related offences


Man jailed for nine years after sexual communication with online profiles he believed to be children


A dozen suspected child sex predators arrested in the Colorado Springs area


Strength in Christ Athletes owner arrested on child sex assault charges


DA Krasner Urges Tips Following Arrest of Former Officer for Indecent Assault of Young Girls

Anonymous ID: 6494c4 Sept. 30, 2022, 8:49 p.m. No.17612476   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Enemies list? Fed-backed censorship machine targeted 20 news sites


Just the News, New York Post, Fox News, Epoch Times and Breitbart were identified among the "most prominent domains" whose election coverage was cited in tweets flagged by the Election Integrity Partnership and its collaborators.


The private consortium that reported election "misinformation" to tech platforms during the 2020 election season, in "consultation" with federal agencies, targeted several news organizations in its dragnet.


Websites for Just the News, New York Post, Fox News, Washington Examiner, Washington Times, Epoch Times and Breitbart were identified among the 20 "most prominent domains across election integrity incidents" that were cited in tweets flagged by the Election Integrity Partnership and its collaborators.


The Washington Post, New York Times and CNN also appeared on the list, though the consortium's after-action report emphasizes most of the mainstream media reports "were referenced as fact-checks" that played a "corrective role" against "misleading narratives."


The report also identified the 21 "most prominent repeat spreaders [of misinformation] on Twitter," all of them politically classified as "right." Actor James Woods led that group, followed by The Gateway Pundit blog, Donald Trump Jr. and President Trump himself. The report emphasized 15 were verified by Twitter.