Anonymous ID: b1fbd7 Sept. 30, 2022, 9:41 p.m. No.17612681   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Ginny Thomas Ruins J-6 Committee's Plan to Destroy Her

Victoria Taft

The big January 6 Committee extravaganza was set to begin again on Wednesday, and in the eye of their manmade storm was Ginny Thomas, the wife of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas. “Getting” Ginny Thomas and their real target, Justice Thomas, has been at the center of the Left’s nocturnal fantasies for years, and no doubt the Committee was eager to dirty her up for them as much as possible. But, alas, Hurricane Ian intervened, and the Committee temporarily postponed the “Fall Season” of the hearings so as not to share the news cycle with an act of God. No big announcements about Ginny Thomas would be forthcoming under the Klieg lights by politically wounded Liz Cheney.

Thomas sat down with Committee members on Thursday, and by all accounts, she acquitted herself well—to normal people, that is. One reporter stationed outside the office where Thomas’s interview would take place asked her if she had discussed a “stolen election” with her husband or if she’d spoken to him about “clearing her name.”

She later issued an opening statement before the Committee in which she said she did not speak with her husband about any of this.

The leaks from the interview, such as this excerpt from CBS News, ratify the notion that this interview was about targeting her husband.

A source familiar with her appearance before the committee told CBS News Thursday night that Thomas had delivered an opening statement, in which she said that she has “never” spoken to her husband about pending cases before the Supreme Court, calling it an “iron-clad rule in our home.”

She also told the committee that her husband is “uninterested in politics,” and said in her statement, “I generally do not discuss with him my day-to-day work in politics, the topics I am working on, who I am calling, emailing, texting or meeting.”

Ginni Thomas also denied her husband knew of her texts with former President Trump’s White House chief of staff.

As her attorney, Mark Paoletta, explained,“Mrs. Thomas had significant concerns about fraud and irregularities in the 2020 election.” He added, “she told the Committee her minimal and mainstream activity focused on ensuring that reports of fraud and irregularities were investigated. Beyond that, she played no role in any events after the 2020 election results.”

The incurious January 6 Committee might do well by explaining to the millions of Americans they claim to care about—who have legitimate concerns about the bastardized 2020 election—how the election wasn’t rigged in favor of Joe Biden. Now that would get ratings. But they won’t talk about the Zuck Bucks used at government election offices to turn out the Biden vote, the hastily rewritten election laws, mail-in ballots that everyone knows are easy to exploit, and the rest done in the name of COVID.

The New York Times hypes that Ginny Thomas “repeats false 2020 election claim in January 6 interview” and “denies discussing election subversion efforts with her husband.”

They should ask themselves why an intelligent woman and savvy political activist like Ginny Thomas thinks the fair election process may have been subverted in the 2020 election.

Ginny Thomas has also been castigated for sending a text to Trump Chief of Staff Mark Meadows to keep fighting for Trump and also texted attorney John Eastman, who is being investigated for wrong-think about legal theories to stop the election counting.

The January 6 Committee had never been a search for truth as much as it was a platform for score-settling and criminalizing political speech. We can wait to find out how they spin Thomas’s testimony.

Congressman Bennie Thompson, the supposed head of the Committee, when co-chair Liz Cheney is unavailable, said he was “glad she came.”

The Committee has not announced when the next hearing will take place nor divulged how many episodes there will be in the new and improved, boffo “fall season.”

Anonymous ID: b1fbd7 Sept. 30, 2022, 9:53 p.m. No.17612716   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2734

This Spin on Biden's Walorski Gaffe Will Make You Dizzy

Matt Margolis


White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre has some competition for the worst spin on Biden’s apparent forgetting that Rep. Jackie Walorski (R-Ind.) died nearly two months ago in a car crash.


Jill Lawrence of USA Today, after seeing the Biden gaffe, concluded that it was not what it seemed. Instead of looking at it as proof of his diminished mental health, she sees it as a demonstration of empathy, which, of course, she argued, contrasts with the alleged lack of decency of Donald Trump and Governor Ron DeSantis.


In an article titled, “What Joe Biden’s memory lapse about the late Jackie Walorski really told us,” Lawrence tries desperately to convince us that 2+2=5, and only manages to embarrass herself in the process.


I shuddered when I learned that President Joe Biden had called out to a crowd in search of a congresswoman who died nearly two months ago in an automobile accident. He’s going to turn 80 in November and let’s face it, this seemed like a memory fail – a particularly embarrassing one.


Yet there’s another way to look at this: Biden was trying to credit the late Indiana Republican Rep. Jackie Walorski – a lawmaker who voted on Jan. 6, 2021, to object to his presidential victory in Arizona and Pennsylvania and who this March labeled his agenda “radical & reckless” – for her good work on nutrition and hunger.


It’s unfortunate that he made the mistake. At the same time, it demonstrated a generosity and professionalism that was also present in Biden’s Tuesday conversation with Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, a frequent and harsh Biden critic, as Hurricane Ian bore down on his state.


Unlike Jean-Pierre, who refused to concede that Biden misspoke, claiming that Walorski had been “on top of mind” when Biden was clearly looking for her in the crowd, Lawrence at least acknowledged that this was an embarrassing memory lapse—but deemed it irrelevant because he was recognizing her efforts in making the conference happen. That’s a bizarre argument to make in the aftermath of Biden snubbing Governor DeSantis before Hurricane Ian made landfall earlier this week by only calling various Florida mayors and not him as well—which she also tried to spin as a positive for Joe Biden.


Jean-Pierre was asked multiple questions by multiple reporters on Biden’s Walorski gaffe, and others in the media were similarly not convinced by the White House spin. Lawrence, however, seems willing to die on the Biden’s-Mental-Health-Isn’t-Actually-an-Issue hill.


“As so many of us know from our own lives, with age come memory lapses, and that’s often the least of it,” Lawrence continued. “I am already on record as a fan of Biden’s presidency while at the same time hoping he won’t run for reelection in 2024. But let’s put this moment in perspective. You need only look back a couple of years to remember that some things are more important than age and a perfect memory.”


In other words, she’d sooner have a vegetable for president than Donald Trump.


(I’ve decided they will twist themselves into pretzels explaining what they meant, and seemingly rational humans will believe them.we are so fucking doomed its no longer funny)

Anonymous ID: b1fbd7 Sept. 30, 2022, 10:01 p.m. No.17612738   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Illinois: Tough on Guns, Soft on Crime

Lincoln Brown

If you live in Illinois and want to own a firearm and ammunition, you have to possess a valid Firearm Owner’s Identification Card or FOID. The card is issued by the Illinois State Police. Governor J.B. Pritzker has said that the agency has busy been confiscating the cards from people who are no longer allowed to have one.

Just the News quotes Pritzker as saying: “This is very hard work. This is something that we’ve been at for the last four years to make sure we’re keeping people safe. Much more than ever before this is now happening. The ISP, frankly in dangerous circumstances sometimes, are having to go approach people to get their weapons because they no longer qualify to carry one.” Around 1000 people surrendered their cards and guns in September.

According to the state website, to be eligible for a FOID, the following criteria must apply:

I have not been convicted of any Felony under the laws of this or any other jurisdiction.

I have not been adjudicated as a mental defective.

I have not been a patient in a mental institution or any part of a medical facility for the treatment of mental illness within the past 5 years.

I am not intellectually disabled or developmentally disabled.

I have not within the past year (preceding the date of this application) used or been addicted to any controlled substance or narcotics in violation of state or federal law.I am not subject of an existing Order of Protection or a No Contact/No Stalking Order.

I have not within the past 5 years been convicted of battery, assault, aggravated assault, violation of an order of protection, or a substantially similar offense in which a firearm was used or possessed.

I have not been convicted of domestic battery (felony or misdemeanor), aggravated domestic battery or a substantially similar offense.

I have not been adjudicated by a court as a mental defective or ordered by a court, board or authorized entity to in-patient or out-patient mental health treatment.

I am not an alien who is unlawfully present in the United States.

I have not within the past year failed a drug test for a drug for which I did not have a prescription.

I have not been admitted to the United States under a non-immigrant visa of the Immigration and Nationality Act.

I have never renounced my citizenship as a citizen of the United States.

I have never been discharged from the Armed Forces under dishonorable conditions.

I am not a fugitive from justice.

The site also states that if someone possesses a medical marijuana license, is legally permitted to sell medical marijuana, or uses it consistent with state law, their FOID card and/or their concealed carry license will not be revoked or denied on those grounds, however, they will be subject to the federal laws that will restrict them from owning firearms or ammunition.

If your FOID card is revoked, you can appeal to the review board. Good luck with that. As of this writing, the board is completely vacant, as you can see here. It may be a while before your appeal is heard.

Looking at the above list, it makes sense — at first blush. There are people who would have to answer “no” to some of those questions who should not own weapons. If someone abuses his spouse, partner, or child, he should not own a gun. The same should go for people who routinely impair their judgment with drugs, or who have used firearms to commit a crime. I think most reasonable people could get on board with those restrictions. But with a two-tiered justice system in which a man’s home was raided by federal law enforcement for a minor donnybrook that occurred a year prior, and in a state that has been solidly Democrat for years and whose leaders are opposed to personal gun ownership, it is reasonable to ask how those laws will be applied. For example, what criteria are used to determine whether or not a person is mentally defective? If a person seeks counseling for any reason, will that set off a red flag? John Boch, who is with the group Guns Save Life, told Just the

But don’t worry, Illinois. Governor Pritzker obviously has things under control.

Anonymous ID: b1fbd7 Sept. 30, 2022, 10:11 p.m. No.17612765   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Woke Trans Madness Targeting Religious Freedom but Faithful Are Fighting Back in Court

Michigan Physician Assistant Valerie Kloosterman was exercising her First Amendment right to practice and express her faith when she requested a religious accommodation to her employer’s requirement that she use “gender-identity-based pronouns” and participate in or refer patients for “gender-dysphoria-related surgeries and drugs.”

In an 11-page, single-spaced Sept. 27, 2022, letter to officials with University of Michigan Health and University of Michigan Health – West, attorneys with First Liberty Institute told the health system that it should reinstate Kloosterman to her position and “assure her that, going forward, it will fulfill its legal obligations to respect its employees’ religious consciences.”

Firing Kloosterman violated the First Amendment, Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, and various Michigan statutes, according to Michael Berry, senior counsel for the Plano, Texas-based public interest law firm that specializes in defending religious freedoms.

The letter noted that “before firing Ms. Kloosterman, Michigan Health blatantly denigrated her religious beliefs, attempted to compel her to speak against her conscience and make referrals for medical services that violate her conscience, discriminated against her for her religious beliefs, and refused to reasonably accommodate her religious beliefs.”

Those actions were carried out against a 17-year employee who had consistently received superlative performance reviews, including one in which her supervisor observed that “Valerie goes way beyond the call of duty when dealing with patients, follow up and professional responsibility. She is very ethical [and] responsible and treats all with respect.”

Jordan Pratt, also a senior counsel with First Liberty, observed in a statement regarding the Kloosterman firing that health care professionals should never have to choose between practicing their faith and keeping their jobs.

It’s bad medicine to force religious health care professionals to choose between their faith and their job. Valerie provides excellent medical care for every patient, but she cannot in good conscience refer patients for experimental drugs and procedures that violate both her religious convictions and her medical judgment. Nor can she use biology-obscuring pronouns that violate her religious beliefs and could cause patients to miss potentially life-saving screenings. It is intolerant of Michigan Health to demand that medical professionals like Valerie abandon their religious beliefs and their medical ethics in order to remain employed.

At the center of this controversy is Kloosterman’s strong, principled religious faith, which is precisely what the Founders intended to be protected by the First Amendment. It would be no different if Kloosterman was an atheist and had been fired for refusing to participate in compulsory prayers or Bible studies as a condition of employment….


When she respectfully indicated that she could not do so because of her religious beliefs and because of her independent medical judgment, but that she would use patients’ names in place of pronouns to respect their wishes, Thomas Pierce grew hostile, visibly angry with tight fists and a flushed demeanor, and attacked her religious beliefs.

Among other things, he told Ms. Kloosterman that she could not take the Bible or her religious beliefs to work with her, either literally or figuratively; that given her religious beliefs against gender identity based pronouns and “gender reassignment surgery,” she was to blame for transgender suicides; and that she was “evil” and abusing her power as a health care provider.

Clearly, diversity, equity and inclusion do not include men and women of faith for ideological obsessives who have no qualms whatever about using every power at their disposal to force the rest of us to think and act as they do.

They are, in short, the enemies of freedom and human creativity.

Anonymous ID: b1fbd7 Sept. 30, 2022, 10:20 p.m. No.17612792   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2845

Catholic Joe Biden Thinks He’s a Really Good Jew

Matt Margolis

On Friday, the White House hosted a Rosh Hashanah reception, marking the first time the Jewish new year was celebrated there. During his remarks, the Catholic Joe Biden made the bizarre quip that he went to Jewish services more than most of the Jews in the audience did.

I probably went to shul more than many of you did,” he said, prompting laughter from the audience. “You all think I’m kidding, he can tell you I’m not. I’m not.”


He added, “I’m a practicing Catholic but I’d go to services on Saturday and on Sunday. You think I’m kidding.”


This ranks up there as almost as bad as Bill Clinton dubbing himself the first black president. It seems rather uncouth for Biden to suggest at a Rosh Hashanah event that he’s a better Jew than the Jews in the audience, especially when he’s not even a good Catholic because of his radical views on abortion.


But, perhaps the most insulting aspect of his remark is not the way he insulted the Jewish people in the audience but that he made the comments despite his legacy of anti-Semitism. Biden himself has been criticized for making several racist and anti-Semitic comments over the years, including using the slur “Shylocks” back in 2014. His tenure in the White House has hardly been without casual anti-Semitism, including his nomination of suspected anti-Semite Ketanji Brown Jackson to the Supreme Court.


(My question is why does anyone in their right mind laugh when he obviously seems insane, or at least, severely demented?)

Anonymous ID: b1fbd7 Sept. 30, 2022, 10:30 p.m. No.17612830   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Pro-Vax Doc Believes COVID Booster Accelerated His Cancer

Matt Margolis

Michel Goldman, M.D., Ph.D., professor of Immunology and Pharmacotherapy at Belgium’s Université libre de Bruxelles, has come forward with his belief that a COVID-19 booster shot may have accelerated the growth of his cancer.


Goldman, a prominent advocate for vaccines in Europe, was driven to go public with his beliefs by his desire for open and honest discussion about the COVID-19 vaccines. He told The Atlantic that the Pfizer booster shot he received on September 22, 2021, appears to have accelerated the progression of his angioimmunoblastic T-cell lymphoma (AITL).


After being diagnosed with AITL, Goldman, 67, believed it was the right thing to do to get the COVID booster because his immune system would be compromised upon starting chemotherapy.


However, a CT scan taken after Goldman received the shot revealed something unexpected: the cancer had spread so rapidly in such a short amount of time that individual cancerous nodules illuminated his entire scan.


The initial scan revealed a cluster of cancerous nodes around Michel’s left armpit that was described as “a bit disturbing,” especially since the first two vaccine injections had been administered to that side. After receiving a second dose of the treatment on the opposite side, the asymmetry caused by the cancer had been flipped.


Goldman and his brother, Serge Goldman, a fellow scientist and head of nuclear medicine at the teaching hospital of the Université libre de Bruxelles, knew this could have been a coincidence, but, The Atlantic reports, “they couldn’t shake the feeling that Michel had experienced what would be a very rare yet life-threatening side effect of COVID vaccination.”


“Perhaps the shots gave such a jolt to his helper T cells that they went berserk,” The Atlantic reported. “If they were prone to forming tumors, or if they were already cancerous, then overstimulation could have made the problem even worse.”


“Research involving body scans of some people who get mRNA vaccines — including cancer patients — shows heightened activity in the lymph nodes near the armpit on the side where the shot was received,” notesThe Epoch Times.


Although his case raised serious questions about the safety of mRNA vaccines, Goldman says has no regrets about going public with his story. “I’m still convinced it was the right thing to do.”


(I have absolutely lost all faith in doctors, because they never researched or connected the science at all. They only recommend things accordingly to what they’ve been told)


The blind leading the blind!

Anonymous ID: b1fbd7 Sept. 30, 2022, 10:41 p.m. No.17612863   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I think anons have proven for the last two years he’s a jew. Look at his mom and go back and look. He is what he claims he is!


Stick around or do research