Anonymous ID: 0980e0 Oct. 1, 2022, 2:50 a.m. No.17613206   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3220 >>3321 >>3378 >>3768 >>3789 >>3999

Greetings: I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council and still working full-time with the Earth Council.


I would greet you with pomp and circumstance if I could. I guess some of you got a peek at what that looks like with the transition of the queen. Yet you are the ones who deserve the honor and respect, for your presence on the earth at this time.


Suffice to say, you did not receive the regalia, but we honor you in such a way. We will see to it that you will get to experience with that truly feels like. As galactic we have extraordinary talents in celebrating wins. You will begin to learn that we celebrate a lot. This is far different from how most of you have lived on the earth where you have had to be focused on money and work.


You are about to be a part of the shift of the ages that is long overdue. Therefore, you will find there will be chaos and challenges for a short period of time. This is time for the fall of the dark ones and the rising of a whole new way of living. What has seemed like it was on the top for the elitists will now fall, for what goes up must come down. Coming down is not going to be an easy ride for them. Many of them are already in panic and fear. You will not hear about this in your main media.


Soon this will all change, and the truth will prevail. Victory is at hand. We are here, along with billions of other Galactic’s. All of creation is focused here on the earth. It is extremely important and urgent that the ground crew remain focused and not in fear of what could happen or is happening. We have it covered and you are loved and protected. Please keep doing your meditations and prayers while connecting with Source.


You have made it this far and there is no turning back. This planet will never go back to the way it has been. It is a long sad story about how the earth was taken over by the dark. The planet was never designed for such darkness. The earth is designed for love, cooperation, harmony, and balance. You were also designed similarly as the earth. You are comprised of the chemistry of the earth and given birth to from the earth mother.


In the days to come more and more of the divine mother and divine feminine energy will bring forth the healing that is necessary for the planet. You will observe how much healing the masculine energy receives simply because the feminine energy is becoming extraordinarily empowered. This is not through fighting or war. Patriarchal systems are already coming apart. There will be no excuse for abuse. All of God's creations deserve to be loved and respected. Soon you will see what I mean.


There will be many heroes and heroines on the earth who are skilled at bringing forth harmony and healing to hearts. Love is what is most needed. Abundance is coming for all. Decisions will be made from truth, not lies. This is what shall set you free. We are here to help because you have had horrendous behaviors from the dark ones that break the laws of the universe. This will be no longer tolerated.


Please make the most of the beauty of the earth and watch it expand along with your own beauty. Fill your lives with love with those with whom you resonate. Keep your hearts open. Look out for each other. Please help where help is needed. Expand your strength and your causes. There is much needed this time from the ground crew.

Anonymous ID: 0980e0 Oct. 1, 2022, 4:16 a.m. No.17613372   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3375 >>3379 >>3382 >>3458

Question: My question today is about the Solar Flash. Is it coming? If yes, how long does it affect us?… instantly or days? What impact does it leave us?


Answer: Thank you for your question. This is a hot topic in the minds and subconscious minds of many Light workers. I appreciate the opportunity to talk about it.


Is the solar flash coming? Perhaps, it depends on which choices Earthlings make.


The flash will be near-instant, but it will take days before most Earthlings will have more or less stabilized from the flash.


It will be a flash of very high and intense energies. It will cause a wave of remembrance and it will shake loose a lot of illusions that people currently have. For most light workers it will be intense but also blissful and joyful. For most average people, it will feel like a train hits them out of nowhere. They’ll be completely destabilized and disrupted, but after a few days, they’ll enter the fourth dimension and will open-mindedly start looking around for what’s really going on. They will be confused, but they will not be as fearful as they are today. Hopefully light workers can help them find their footing in those days.


Earthlings who are too stuck in their ways might die from getting a huge amount of intense energy. This is a large part of the reason why it hasn’t happened yet. If it happened today, it would kill way too many people. Yes, on one hand souls are immortal and those souls can reincarnate elsewhere, but still we want to minimize deaths.


On the positive side, if the flash happens, then very shortly afterwards Earthlings will start working together on a much more positive world.


So, will the flash happen? Well, it depends on the choices that Earthlings make.


Gaia and Source want Earth to become a paradise-like world, and want Earthlings to be able to start living peaceful and blissful lives, without violating the free will of Earthlings. Us good-hearted extraterrestrials serve Source, and thus we work to accomplish what Source wants. I can promise you that in the medium term, Earthlings really will end up in a love-based society.


The solar flash is one tool that Source has to help Earth and Earthlings move into a love-based society. But it’s a tool that also has downsides, because it will kill people who are completely not ready for it.


Will that tool be used? If the level of consciousness of Earthlings rises very quickly, then it won’t be necessary and the solar flash tool won’t be used, which also means that those people won’t die. In this scenario, you will just move into an amazing love-based society on your own without the flash.


If the level of consciousness of Earthlings rises pretty quickly but not too quickly, then it’s reasonably likely that the solar flash tool will get used at a point when not too many people will die from it. I do not enjoy the thought of Earthlings dying from the solar flash, but on the other hand, I also do not enjoy the thought of Earthlings currently suffering from repression and living in pain.


Note that the solar flash is just one tool out of many that Source has to help Earthlings move into a love-based world. There are also many others. Frankly, there’s too many to list and some will have to stay secret for now because we do not want negative beings to know about them.


Often the channeler will ask me: “Is this going to happen and if so, when?” Usually I will respond with: ”it depends on the choices that Earthlings make.” This sometimes annoys him, but frankly, it really is up to you Earthlings how exactly the coming time is going to unfold.


In general, there are multiple different future timelines open, and multiple things may happen and it’s not clear when exactly what will happen. So beware of beings who give very specific predictions or who say that things absolutely will or will not happen. Usually it’s only really possible to state that certain things are likely or unlikely, or that certain things will happen at some point but it’s not clear when.


Although to be fair to channelers, both channelers and their audience usually just want to hear: “this thing will happen by that date.” So sometimes benevolent beings will say: “this will happen” when in reality something is likely but not certain to happen. This does not make those beings secretly malevolent. Still, it is good to realize that any prediction that you hear about the future is simply one probable timeline, not something that’s cast in stone.

Anonymous ID: 0980e0 Oct. 1, 2022, 4:21 a.m. No.17613379   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3388 >>3458


Question: Hello, I have been wondering one thing for many years, after the event and once we are fully anchored in 5D on the new earth will our bodies ( the current heavy ones) be abandoned in some way?

It doesn’t appeal to me that our bodies are to change so powerfully from their current state to the final effect after ascension from Carbon to Crystal or Diamond body as many say.


The way I feel about it is that this body will somehow be abandoned, die or be dematerialized and our entire consciousness will jump to the light body, which we are now rebuilding and which is non-physical.

In conclusion, I think our body will only change to a certain extent so that all our Divine aspects will be anchored in one place, but in the end we will abandon the physical body for the final change and anchor fully on the 5D earth after the event. Is this correct? I am wondering about this because this current body is very limited, although I love and respect it, I am also grateful that I can experience through it now. Please answer as comprehensively as possible, for this moment.


Answer: As detailed in the previous answer: Earthlings will end up in a love-based 5D society. It’s quite possible that there will be the event of a solar flash that causes this, but there’s also a possibility that Earthlings will end up in a love-based 5D society without a flash. Regardless, you are headed towards a love-based 5D society.


For the sake of new people: 5D refers to a state of love-based consciousness. It does not refer to five spatial dimensions. There are a small number of people right now on your world who are in 5D. Normal people are in the consciousness of 3D. 4D is a transition phase between 3D and 5D. 4D is when you know that something is wrong on Earth and normal life seems not so appealing anymore, but you don’t yet know what is true or what to do with your life.


If there’s the event of a solar flash, then most Earthlings will be briefly in 4D and then quickly move up to the lower to middle part of 5D. Their bodies will be healthier and their hearts will be open. Friendly ETs will land shortly after and will freely offer healing and spiritual teachings to anyone who wants it.


In the lower to middle part of 5D, people will be healthier and more loving and suffer from less illusions, but they will still be physically there. Their bodies will not go anywhere. They will not be able to walk through a wall, for example.


Once Earthlings develop to the upper end of 5D, they will be able to voluntarily leave their body for a time, and they can use their light body to do so-called supernatural things. However they will still by default be in their body. You can think of a spiritually advanced Earthling in the present day: by default they’re in their bodies, but they can astral travel if they wish.


Earthlings have a slight misconception about light bodies. As you progress spiritually, then initially you will have an activated light body while still being in your physical body. It’s only when you continue progressing that eventually you leave your physical body behind, but initially you’ll have both a physical body and an activated light body. You won’t really notice your light body, other than feeling more peace and love and having more access to so-called supernatural abilities.


By the time beings are 7th dimension, it becomes a choice if they want to be physically incarnated or if they prefer to be immaterial. And when you move beyond 7D, being immaterial becomes the default state of being. Needless to say, it will be some time before typical Earthlings become 7D. That said, specific Light Workers might reach 7D relatively shortly after the event.


Personally I, Hakann, am 7th dimension. And frankly I prefer to be physically incarnated most of the time. Because this physical reality is where I can touch people, where I can dance, where I can eat delicious meals, where I can interact with my children and where I can make love to the woman I love.


I understand that Earthlings have a lot of negative experiences with physical bodies, but once your entire society becomes 5D, a lot of physical discomforts will be gone and a lot of physical pleasures will become available. I think that once everyone is in 5D and your galactic brothers and sisters have landed, you will very much appreciate that you are physically in a body.


That said, if you have the desire to experience immateriality, feel free to ask us after we have landed and we will be happy to teach you how you can achieve that.

Anonymous ID: 0980e0 Oct. 1, 2022, 4:42 a.m. No.17613418   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3421 >>3424

You hardly need to know that you are going through a momentous time of changes. At this present time it is obvious that there is no going back to the old ways of living.


It is not yet apparent what the outcome may be except that it is an opportunity to rebuild for the New Age and include the advances that have been made that will uplift your quality of life. Be assured that help is on hand and it will be introduced at the appropriate moment.


On a wider scale you have in fact been helped all along and guided so that you can benefit from opportunities arranged for you to ensure you progress with your evolution. We also ensure suitable souls incarnate with skills and experience you need at any particular time.


They are not always accepted by you and some are prevented by the actions of the dark Ones. It is a fight that has been raging for millennia of time and accounts for the many wars that have taken place.


However, as you enter further into the higher vibrations so you will be less affected by their actions. They are already scared by the loss of their power to dictate the life experiences that you will have that keep you in the lower vibrations.


Many souls have “seen the light” and had a strong willpower that enabled them to lift up. It is indeed not easy to continually focus on your chosen path of Light when surrounded by lesser beings. Remember to see your aura in your mind’s eye and ensure it is always complete and unbroken, totally enclosing your physical body.


You are of course greatly helped and protected by higher souls who are with you on your journey to ensure it progresses as planned. Many of you sense or feel such souls around you and it is reassuring to know. At times you feel that you are on your own, but that is far from the truth as we are always with you.


We are the silent onlookers who follow your progress doing our best to guide you when help is needed. Bear in mind that you have a life plan and our part is to try and keep you to it. Your intuition will help you keep on it so listen to that little voice inside you that is your Higher Self that knows what you need to continue evolving.


It will not be too long before you shed your attachments to anything that is less than supportive of the Light, as the old vibrations will be of little value to you. Think of new ideas and actions that will raise you up further and these will ensure you are well on the path to Ascension.


Every effort you put in to increase your vibrations will gradually ensure your success in lifting yourself up. Amongst the benefits will be a healthier body that will be less prone to catching disease and have a greater level of immunity. It clearly helps if at the same time you are on a healthy diet.


Time is passing quickly and there seems to be insufficient time to do all that you would like to achieve. However, Man is an adaptable soul and you still manage to get safely through your daily routine.


It is notable that some people have found that life is more acceptable and possible working a four-day week and you will find the idea catching on. It is more relaxing mentally and gives more time to follow other interests that help your growth and health. Having time to meditate and relax is important especially in times when there are many pressures upon you.


Keeping your body healthy is important and good food and exercise is extremely useful. It sometimes means a change in your lifestyle and it ensures you live in a way that maintains your health. The many chemicals you ingest from some foods are foreign to the body and can cause problems.


Much of the advice is common sense and many people have changed their diet for that reason and live more healthily. Fresh foods take you a long way to giving your body what it needs to keep you healthy.


In general terms you will know that over-indulgence in foods is not being kind to your body, and it has long been recommended that it is better to eat less at a sitting even if you eat a meal more often. Humans are guided more by taste and that is not necessarily the best way to ensure you eat healthy foods. However, not all foods suit everyone the same way and your body will respond according to its needs as you may have found out.

Anonymous ID: 0980e0 Oct. 1, 2022, 4:55 a.m. No.17613451   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3460 >>3484

Jeshua: The Big Bang Part 1


JESUS CHRIST: Be carried in my love, as all mankind is carried in my love.


The days are approaching when the high-ranking dark powers will fall and descend into the kingdom of darkness. The days of radical upheaval are approaching, the days when the system of injustice will explode, erode and implode – a big bang (1) that is necessary because humanity needs to be shaken awake.


JJK: After all, isn’t what we are currently experiencing WAKE-UP enough: Corona. Transhumanism, economic crisis, wars?


JESUS CHRIST: Enough for those who have eyes and can think with their hearts, too little for those who still need to wake up now for this game to end.


Everything happens in the order of God. God is the ordering authority who now intervenes directly in what is happening on earth. Humanity will overcome chaos, it will be led out of the valley of darkness and tread the path of light.


JJK: THE BIG BANG – what is it and when does it take place?


JESUS CHRIST: The exposure of the evilness of dark entities will hit the whole humanity like a shock wave. Committed misdeeds and future plans of this lightless brood will be revealed in one fell swoop. In this way, what seemed to be of permanent existence will be destroyed at one stroke.


He who has eyes will see, and he who has ears will hear. Nothing that was planned inhuman for the future has a future after the big bang! The humanity wins the upper hand and new life is breathed into the souls.


24 months


When? In the course of the next 24 months! The process of revelations is already underway, increasing month by month and reaching ever greater proportions. Everything is moving towards the big bang.


The boil of injustice and the ulcer of inhumanity must burst open so that the healing of wounded human hearts can begin.


JJK: Some people might be afraid of this now? In some messages – which I have received myself, but also in those I read on the net – there is talk of the “event” of “disclosures” or of “revelations”. While some people can hardly wait for it, other people develop a lot of fears about such announcements.


JESUS CHRIST: Fears that dissolve as soon as the dimension of healing and the light behind it become visible.


JJK: How to prepare for it?


JESUS CHRIST: With God in your heart and armed with the truth – taking your place, full of confidence and devotion. Everything else happens!


Heaven on earth has dawned, for the hellish goings-on are being nourished by fewer and fewer people – and those who are yet to awaken will awaken, for they will be given the awakening experience. Beloved, honored and protected beyond all measure are you, beloved people.




I am in the midst of you.

Anonymous ID: 0980e0 Oct. 1, 2022, 5:01 a.m. No.17613460   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3583


Jeshua: The Big Bang Part 2


JJK: The “boil” will burst! (See THE BIG BANG 1) I understand it like this: While deeper and deeper abysses open up, more and more people will rise and not only demand a new, a just system based on peace and unity, but will unhinge it themselves. Shock will be accompanied by wonder!


JESUS CHRIST: Thus it happens that inherent in every terror is healing. Yes, mankind is rising and will continue to rise.


What can already be seen today, and so far applies only to a minority, will grow into an unimaginably powerful movement – this is now maturing. What you have seen so far in resistance, disobedience and courage, in the revolutionary spirit of freedom movements and in rebellion, was only the beginning.


For this change to succeed, it needs wide-awake people who take action. It is necessary to actively participate in the process of ascension – because this change leads to ascension – and to help shape it. This process, in which more and more people step into action, is now initiated.


Passivity is no longer an option! Only the sages and saints, who were born for a life in seclusion, perform their service to mankind in this way. Beyond that all humans are called to come into action and visibly or invisibly, audibly or quietly stand up for the new life.


The old goes down with a loud roar and you promote this process best by doing the necessary at the right time at the right place inspired by your soul.


Let your soul guide you, for it is guided by God. In this way, you will always be the light and point out the light to your fellow human beings at the right moment.


Will many people die?

JJK: As the energy for the “big bang” builds up, how are the energy crises, wars, pandemics and the like shaping up. There are still great fears being stirred up here. Will the masses continue to be moved and controlled with this? What will happen now to those who have undergone the Corona gene therapy? Will many die or is there hope?


JESUS CHRIST: As long as the beast of infamy is not completely defeated, it lashes out and it spreads fear and terror – and as long as the individual human being stares spellbound, like the rabbit before the blow, at this scene, he remains in the game and is part of the distortions.


The safe place outside this scene can only be taken by the one who is aware of the scene. The consciousness work in this respect is therefore still of the greatest importance!


Each person happens according to his will and according to the needs of his soul. Experiences want to be savored up to the complete saturation. Developments must be completed before the next higher stage of spiritual involution can be climbed.


Yes, great groups of people are taken from this world! They go in harmony with their souls, because they do not want to participate in this ascent.


They were only guests in this play, spectators and not actors who wanted to take an active part in it or to shape the scenes. They will share this experience at another time on another earth. The people ascending today will be their Ascended Masters in a distant future.


Will many people be healed by Corona Therapy?

JJK: Will many people be healed by the Corona Therapy? I am thinking especially of those who were inoculated against their will, such as parents who had themselves injected in order to be allowed to visit their own children in hospital, or people who wanted to say goodbye to dying people, but without the injection were not allowed to enter either a nursing home or a hospital. For a time, people could not even cross borders without vaccination. People were separated from each other and this led many to undergo this “therapy”.


What is the procedure or distinction here? Who receives the grace of healing and who remains exempt?


JESUS CHRIST: The divine laws obey the divine order of love. Every human being, who was induced to this bodily injury out of love and not out of fear of his own demise, will find all possibilities of healing – on this world or on the other world: To these souls it will be well done and good! Those people, however, who wanted to preserve their own life by this intervention, will lose it.


This is how it happens! This is how it is – today and all the time!


We conclude our today’s meeting in the light of the truth.


My love is with those who are waiting for me.

My love is with you.