yes it's better than twit
much better
you don't get banned and harrassed.
Lots of cool people on there / new frens
get to share stuff with new reasonable people.
Shills are impotent on a fair game board
so kewl.
It's Trump's platform
lot of space to write what you want
30 mgs for uploading vids.
get to follow Trump and support his messages.
fucktards won't swarm at you, shadowban and insult you (gang stalk) like on twit
That's a very big deal.
If you even try to go back to twit after a while, they will tag you and take your info?
they are scary fucks
complete totalitarianism / thought control
once they get more power they will continue to squeeze; Like the Adolfs they are.
twit is a joke. battling with bots.
glad that is over.
TWIT banned Trump and gave the Country to Biden.
they are cancer.
Just starting out on TS. 'we're just gettn' started'