She thinks it's going to last. The chains go on as soon as Bidan croaks. Fwd Soviet!
Banksters aren't at war with each other. They are at war with us.
Look what Epstein's customers are trying to normalize and you know what they're into. Slaves and harems. Corrupt Red Lodge.
"Equity" is a scam. It will never be satisfied. Heels Up and Willie defrauded the State of Commiefornia. They should be in prison.
Government + Media
Government + Education
Government + Charity
Government + Medicine
Government + Income
Well done, Toooodd!
Convenient deaths of FBI (don't say mob) agents during Frank Church's HSCA investigation in 1977
Attila was poisoned by his own crew, who were sick of his bullshit. Also the leading cause of coincidence in unarmed police states.
10% of the 8 million Ukrainians just on EU gang turf are fighting age men. Israeli has more.
Ukraine fags produce the lamest propaganda, ever.