M = 13th letter of the alphabet.
1 +3 = 4
suggesting deltas are important?
Epoch (5)(5) (11)(2)x2
11 / 2 = 5.5
Now we take the latest posts (image 2) Timestamp of 22:42 = Q post 2242
I watched the rally but my memory isn't fresh on it, did we catch any special greetings?
>>17618900 (myself)
also took timestamp in the second column. 4215. Bombs a comin'.
Guess a message to us, what do yall think we are missing? any clock fags around?
I do remeber in the rally he made some Very Very Very STRONG language that he will run again. He said not verbatim "… and we might have to do it again." and the crowd went crazy after that one.
Did the United States just establish Parity control over the UK?
and Who lives in the UK?
Are we winning?
Sauce for this evil.
No problem anon, MIKE is usually military talk but i went down the gematria route. But they really have been, comms can come from many avenues. Some maybe arent meant for us.
Tomorrows deltas. waiting for the one anon who posts deltas to post em. We really need to VOTE and swamp these faggots out of office.
Kash in AZ ahead of trump rally