Anyone have the picture of Putin with the Russian women?
That's not it, but I guess you know that?
It was rather a classy picture. The women were in winter outerwear with boots that looked sort of like Uggs and Putin was standing in a dark suit in the middle.
I mentally did a juxtaposition between Kamala Harris with the US service members and the picture of Putin with the Russian women (not sure they were military, however)
No, I appreciate the video, though. Our President is a class act. (Biden is the Resident, not President)
Just had the craziest thought. What if this whole time, we are posting here, thinking FIB is recording us as "enemies of the state" or what ever, but we are on the verge of a colossal reversal and all our posts here that we thought would get us put in DC Gulag or Gitmo or something and instead verify we are the real deal and love God and our country?
I think we have to do something so that only humans can own property. Local jurisdictions (when SHTF financially) should tell banks to pound sand, you're not taking people's primary residences. Of course if you were stupid enough to take out a mortgage (death contract) you shouldn't be just off the hook, but it's way wrong to have people out on the streets suffering when the stupid on steroids was done above regular people's pay grades.
> 22:11:03
Nice time stamp. I think "wants his old job back" is comms. He was elected in 2020, so he doesn't need to win in 2024.
When Big Pharma collapses, too, it will get interesting. I pass a lot of buildings wondering what we will do with them later. Buildings like the hospitals with expensive equipment we won't need any more. Perhaps accommodation for people recovering from things like addiction, vaccine injury etc. However, our care for the sick will be humane and very different from the way it is now. No more medical hostage taking, strapping people to beds so they die from "COVID".
I'm hoping things will move along for the sake of some of my family. Faith in God is what keeps me going.
That is what it sounds like. However, he really slips up and it sounds like he's telling the demon that he's in for a problem. Wow. Evidence of God's sovereignty right there. We can't even breathe without our Creator's beneficence.