I baked that bredd !! Wow crazy times back then even crazier now.
My Favorite President
Time Traveler
Leave weed alone
Time travelers from the future
WOW he dedd for sure! China-man poison him !
Maters! Yea GLP has some really good info just like 8 here. FAR more clowns there but some funny stuff in there sometimes. Everything has it's place to info gatherers. This place is the cutting edge. GLP is close. From what I can see GLP is owned by Tom Cruise.
He's probably not reading this bread
THAT'S IT!!?!!
Now comes the pain 23 !!!!
One night years ago someone cracked Q's tripcode and it was NOWcomesthepain23 or something like that. Anons then posted shitposts with Q's trip. It was funny.
The fuck it didn't
it happened while you were asleep obviously.
I was laughing my ass off at what Anons were commenting. Good stuff.
Triinity is Tom Cruise. There is a bunch of info if you search GLP. I actually learned about Q from GLP thread on the night he posted on 4chan. GLP has a ongoing thread about Q it is thousands of pages long. Good site but absolutely compromised mods for sure.
You cannot say Jew on GLP. That should tell you everything.