Anonymous ID: 0747e2 Oct. 2, 2022, 7 a.m. No.17620433   🗄️.is 🔗kun

We all know this guy is a clown

My logical thinking placed him right away as a shit bag.


I crossed paths with something again and this tine I saw it different and searching is a lot easier now with the add of freespoke and brave and phone faggin is easier


Ashli Babbit - who was her last retweet ? Never saw it but he claimed it was sent to him. He may have provided it then can’t find it now.


Bennett Ramsey


Richard jewell Olympic bomber security hired by AT&t to watch their camera tower, loan security man, became the face of the bomber for 15 minutes


Natalee Holloway fake Aruba disappearance girl high school student graduation

Woman advocating vandersloot release for for different murder appears to be same woman

Vandersloot lady salesmen brings up Bennet Ramsey in her sales pitch


Ties to Kyle rittenhouse bail fund raising media manager, remember everyone that donated got cancelled or leaked, who controlled it ?


Bio mentions media 13 times, who controls the media ?


I knew he was stupid and an ass clown.


First time we actually get a face, either cia agent, or special operator psyop.


Don’t say sauce

I’m tired maybe some fellow anon fags can help me post it, it’s low hanging fruit now that his dumb ass has been silent for a year.


Who is the jewfaffot bigger cia cointel operator?

Lin Fucking Wood.


I figured he got paid to act stupid. He is a player in’s some major hoaxes. I’m stunned to get a face, we never see em, or do we ?


Glad to be back few months away from the board.

Sorry sauceless, I’ll come with it if Boone is kind enough to help