We just hit 23K
Ok. Enough… We've been telling you to stop cheating. We are not DEMOCRATS. We don't vote multiple times. It's time to filter you, since you don't learn. Bye
Anon…. We don't cheat! Period….
We are at war… Good vs. evil. God vs. Satan… Light vs. darkness
Ask yourself again… Should /we/ act like them?
Karma is real my friend. God is with us. We already won.
Don't stoop to their level brother. Fight fair. Be honest. Integrity
We are better than that
I feel it baby… Fuck yeah. If we maintain he momentum,we could be done by Monday .. and that would be amazing. Happy birthday POTUS present, kinda late, but better late then never!!!
Keep at it Anons. Spread the petition, sign the petition, beeee one with the petition. Kek
Hell yeah, it's growing. 23.3k…..great news. We need to keep at it
Like who? I don't have friends like that. Besides POTUS. Kek….. Rosanne? Could we get Rosie to help?
ROSANNE, help us!!!!
You don't have to listen to me. You can do whatever you want. You're your own person, you have your own soul to care for. Do you, but don't ask us to stand by your side. God would never ask us to cheat, neither would Q… But… Do you
I'm not sure 99% is as honest as me. Kek. But… As long as ,whatever it is that you speak of, is of God and light, I will welcome it with open arms, brother.
maybe they have report #2?
Fuck you Anon. I spit my drink out… Top kek😂😂😂😂😂
Since forever…amen
Anons. We're at
Almost a quarter way there already. Keep pushing it
Q, are we loud enough?. 23+k on the Whitehouse petition. Are we doing it right? Please confirm