CNN Live
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SCOTUS Justices Attend "Red Mass"
Supreme Courts next term begins tomorrow.
so uh, they held a red mass todayโฆ
"A Red Mass is a Mass celebrated annually in the Roman Catholic Church for all members of the legal profession, regardless of religious affiliation: judges, lawyers, law school professors, law students, and government officials, marking the opening of the judicial year."
Sunday before the first Monday in Octoberโฆ
United States:
"One of the better-known Red Masses is the one celebrated each fall at the Cathedral of St. Matthew the Apostle in Washington, D.C. on the Sunday before the first Monday in October (the Supreme Court convenes on the first Monday in October)".
ya need OPFOR to train
>Knock out the US internet and then we can really see if the election will be cheated again.
whole new set of problems if they claim the outage was an "act of war" by a foreign actor tho. how could you spin the outage?
he's a bad dudeโฆ.
didn't get that one, did ya?