A Russian nuclear submarine armed with ‘doomsday’ weapon has disappeared from Arctic harbor
<Oct 3, 2022
A Russian nuclear submarine armed with ‘doomsday’ weapon has disappeared from Arctic harbor
<Oct 3, 2022
Border towns are usually kinda vacant.
Would be a shame if anything happened to those brave, brave tools of satan.
>and just so happens a shill shows up and starts bashing Walker.
Explain this tho:
Detecting a cringe field on the verge of collapsing into a cringeularity.
I'd like to know what historical factor makes anyone think (((they))) won't keep on killing vast numbers of people.
>Our vote is our consent to fraud, at this point.
That is fucking bullshit.
Rationalize this away (you can't):
System is rigged (corrupted). You vote (you make a gesture called "my will") System fucks you.
System is rigged (corrupted). You stay home and don't vote. System fucks you.
Do you see where I'm going?
If you won't even bother to make a gesture. To at least ATTEMPT to register your will, then yeah. For sure [they] have already won.
Don't be a faggot.
>how many times are you willing to play this game?
Until "….a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism"
We are not quite there YET.
If you think we are, I'll tell you it could be get much much worse.
How strong are you in yourself and your will? Do you consider yourself a Free Man? Hint: You are.
Many precincts have been cleaned up since 2020. Maybe you haven't heard. Maybe I'm full of shit. Maybe you'll never know.
I NEVER gave a fuck about what Trump SAID. Only cared about what he DID.
And the fact remains. 2020 was STOLEN.
>I will not vote because I have withdrawn consent.
>Mom still makes him go shopping with her even though he has withdrawn consent lol
You're either a shill or so arrogant you think you're making some kind of stand by "not voting". I'm sure there are plenty of 20-something pink-hairs who'll think you're really edgy and maybe even let you fuck them.
Put a big "A" with a circle around it on your t-shirt and…you're a real rebel bro.