is statue of limitations run out.
Amalmagated bank ACTBLUE -ACTBLUES
ISO and ANSI certification are the sold out political standards organizations who are pushing to make a NEW CODE for the CREDIT CARDS when you buy guns.
ISO and ANSI used to be my electronics friends now they are ENEMY OF AMERICA.
dali lama is marxist for bonus points here
Dali Lama is fuckin Spiritual DEMON
having it drilled into my fucking head in the 60's and 70's how Save Tibet and how they all spiritual and shit up in there while being persecuted and nipped at the heel by the commie chineese oh WOWS ME SAVE TIBET, LOVE DALI LLAMA BAAH BAAAAAHH BAAAAAA.
So I rode thru the 60's 70's 80's and 90's thinking Dali Lama (in his "kinolao" /many bodies) is mr good.
I think this is why I strongly Dislike CIA and Psychiatrist and psychologists. These quacks will be the END of AMERICA if they are not nipped in the bud now.
I enjoy invisibly a freedom with nature and the sustinance it provides I never needed any GURU to follow, and thus I abhore liars who tend to expose my invisibility and damage my hunting grounds.
Plus CIA is already on my Shit list.
Don Lemon ʻoia hoʻopunipuni
Michael Baxter ʻoia hoʻopunipuni
dali lama ʻoia hoʻopunipuni
Fucking Hobsons choice Jones plantation. I'm felling the energy. Though I might not get along with everyone.
Maybe it will sink in for some?
ELECTION DAY on Jones Plantation…
will you vote for Mr Jones Sr, or Mr Jones Jr?
Sr. has short whip that don't sting as bad but he works seven days since his wife died.
Jr. has the LONG WHIP but he parties out on weekends and so only 3 day work weeks but oh that strap hurts.
I look back NOW and see treason in those national security background checks. Same problem as 1976, same problem as 2022. That's why obama did the shit he did. They allowed a Racist Marxist on the ballot who intended HARM to America.
The people doing the National Security Background Checks have commit TREASON resulting in deaths.
mRNA is Terrorism
Those who push mRNA are TERRORISTS.
It's a risk that is being put out without informed consent as to the dire END OF AMERICA consequences.
"* electronic vote tabulation devices are a broken chain of custody dominion/serbia/pakistan/china ess/malta
mail-in (broken chain of custody)
scorecard interference
hammer interference
smith mundt - meda reporting lies, corrupt judges, corrupt cops, corrupt medical, corrupt state dept, corrupt military
dominion - foreign interference serbia pakistan china
ess - foreign interference malta
The failure of the State Department (who flies a trans national terrorst flag) to remove commie marxist nazi fascist maoist eugenicist leninist socialsit globalist terrorist pedoist and identity fraud off the ballot for NATIONAL SECURITY SAKE!"
I'm gona say, without geting the bad people who INTEND HARM OFF THE BALLOT, We're already fucked.
and yes it's like that Jones Plantation movie.