He is a bullshit artist. But he is correct about the Ukraine.
They are only there to manipulate you.
Don't vote, goyim, you candidate is either losing too bad to waste your time, or your candidate is doing so well, you need not bother voting.
I agree. That cunt wants us to believe that his shitty cars are "tesla" technology, using his shitty exploding batteries, made in China, when Tesla was powering Ford cars without the use of batteries or fuel of any kind.
I think he is a crock of shit. But, he has a point about the ukraine, is all.
FUCK (((FOX))). Use another promo code that supports real patriots.
JEWISH Election officials brace for confrontational GOYIM poll watchers.
Fixed the headline.
I think he is smart enough to understand (((cancel))) culture.
I thought it was 666 gorillionz?
Given the circumstances, I can't say that I blame him 100%. It would be nice for someone to take a stand, but given how things are right now, baby steps seem to be the only way forward.
The jews make museums for the jews that supposedly died in the holohoax.
Anon is pointing out that the jews killed over 66 million ethnic Russian Christians during the (((Bolshevek))) takeover of Russia.
One would have to know real history over the bullshit jewish history crammed down our throats to understand what anon is talking about.
I don't doubt that claim.
Trump has endorsed people that have stabbed him in the back.
The Dali Lama was exposed as a (((CIA))) asset back in the late 1980's.
That is not completely true.
It is the time of year where the spirit world and the physical world are closest. NOTE THAT ALL SAINTS DAY comes THE NEXT FUCKING DAY.
You fucking jews always have to piss in the wellโฆ
You are not alone.
If that fails, they will vote from the roof tops, something that American Goyim have forgotten about, or are too pussified to consider.
Or so, I read on the Internets, or perhaps minecraft.
Globalist, Nazi. BLAH, BLAH, BLAH.
WE know it is the jews, jew.
Tell your rabbi.
I bet he already knows.