Susan Rice son is Uber conservative
Maybe a rino in training?
Since all 501c3 churches are already Deep State stooges and fema trained, that will be as easy as a mass email.
Get out of fake churches
Is barry sitting in between that guys legs?
Looks like kamel is having a princess Diana moment
Feelz tinglingly
When things flip
It'll be swift
One minute we'll be whining
The next we'll be breathless
We searched for days.
Got real sick of seeing hundreds if not thousands of brown men
And never a match.
Perhaps that was the point
If they want to dissappear you in cyber, they can.
Just like the Anderson Vanderbilt pic
His law clerk is the leaker and quietly resigned during the summer
Trump has known hershel for decades
Never go full potato
Vaxxx smile
Tone deaf buffoon
Temporary lay off