New PM Truss Already Less Popular Than Disgraced Boris
Maybe the goyim in the JEW OWNED AND CONTROLLED UK will rise up against the jews that DESTROYED their country. But then, the jews disarmed them, so there is little chance of that ever happening.
In cali, there was a time that NY JEW BANKING was outlawed. That was in the 1980's.
Once the jews took control, they opened the borders, allowed BEAN NIGGERS IN, started passing anti-Gun legislation, and here we are today.
The short answer is JEWS!
Thanks jew.
wah wah, respond like a fucking jew, when an anon calls out you fucking jews.
How typical for jews, eh, jew?
Only nine Jew controlled members out of THIRTY voice support for Ukraineโs NATO bid
Even jew lovers are starting to work against their jewish overlords.
Shit. You are right. What was I thinking.
I have to go to that site and gobble up all of the REAL and TRUTHFUL news I can!
Thank you!
You don't just declare martial law out of the blue, anon.
Look at all that has transpired, as slow as shit as it is.
The JEWNITED STATES has been at war with the American people since the civil war.
Don't think that the jews had their handmaiden, Lincoln killed for no reason.
That, and the greenbacks.
They have never lived by this oath, not once, unless. you consider Israel and the jews to be their lord and masters.