Seems the Chinese have hacked this site, captcha doesn't come up when you criticize them.
Even if you click on load if you have problems to load , that page does not load the image, just a broken image icon.
If you click on submit whether you leave the captcha text field blank or not, then no image appears not even a broken image icon.
Someone has to check the Javascript on this, and give us the full address that we can inspect the element and edit the html to make it show. I have a feeling this is about name resolution but can't be 100% sure till I can get a fqdn of the entire link to test. Where do these images come from?
I am always challenged 3 captchas per post. Now that it is borked I am teased with the first 2 at most if at all. Why am I being targeted Jim? Who is the coward?
The full link url