Insane Jew, Zelensky signs law that rules out Ukraine peace talks with Putin as ‘impossible’
Jewish hubris on display in 3D, folks.
Insane Jew, Zelensky signs law that rules out Ukraine peace talks with Putin as ‘impossible’
Jewish hubris on display in 3D, folks.
4 INSANE Jews in charge of the Ukrainian nation. Zelensky, Shmyhal, Reznikov, Yermak. Pres, PM, Def, Staff.
This is what happens when you let the FUCKING JEWS take over.
How come jews whine like little bitches and change the subject when they are called out?
You told that goyim!
Change the subject.
Bring up irrelevant bullshit to prove yourJEWISHpoint.
Get kicked in the balls by anons.
Rinse and repeat.
Jews are Satanists you stupid jew.
In typical jew fashion.
I did not say I was speaking for anons, you STUPID JEW.
I said you get kicked in the balls by anons.
And you jews wonder why Normal, decent people want to throw you jewish cunts into ovens…
Folks is a word that whites use.
I am not changing my vocabulary to suit your JEWISH SJW needs.