Without getting into picky details, because others have done the hard work on this already, this is what I got from Q's drops today so far.
POTUS has leverage over Google due to events that students of Q will know well if you have followed since November last year. Today some leverage was used to get a copy of ALL activity, including drafts, and deletions and ACCESSES including IP addresses used for every event, for a set of GMail accounts of interest. We already had it all but today it was handed over formally by Google to one of Huber's investigators with the chain of evidence intact. Also today, one of the operatives who works for the Q team (or for POTUS) ordered Google to make certain changes to the way they do certain things. Not all of these changes are visible, but an intelligent and logical thinking individual who reads the new link which appeared in Google search pages today, will understand.
In addition, Q closed the loop on certain communications we have had to confirm how to read a five by five from Q. This will be needed shortly, because Q will ask for certain things, and we will do them, and we need to understand whether or not Q confirms that we got the message clearly and did what was asked.
Also, Q let us know that the early confirmations we need to provide to the public, are confirmations that the Q group really does work for POTUS and that Q's suggestions and other public comms are REAL. A side effect of this is that it will confirm that POTUS is rather more open with the public and with public participation in government than most people realize. Even most supporters are not fully aware that this government is a COLLABORATIVE government.
POTUS and Q have succeeded in maintaining the level of secrecy needed for national security while at the same time, consulting with the people on important affairs. This is a big deal