Anonymous ID: ab8fa5 Oct. 7, 2022, 4:57 a.m. No.17645913   🗄️.is 🔗kun


The pollster uses something called a “delta” to gauge net favorability. I just used the math explained above, so in some cases, my numbers are different.


The overall Democrat party sits at a -20 net rating, with a 40 percent approval rating and 60 percent disapproval rating. To grasp how big of a media fail that it, this poll was taken the week after the Supreme Court ended the moral and legal atrocity known as Roe v. Wade.


The GOP’s net approval rating is only down 10 points, with 55 percent disapproving and 45 percent approving.


Biden’s approval rating hit a record low in this poll of 38 percent, while 57 percent disapprove. Only 32 percent approve of his economic stewardship. Handling inflation, dealing with violence and crime, and handling immigration show him at 28 percent, 34 percent, and 37 percent approval, respectively.


Most striking is that 62 percent say they see inflation as a top concern, while only 14 percent say the same about climate change (which is a hoax). What’s fascinating about this is that the reason we have inflation is in large part due to record gas prices. The reason we have record gas prices is that in order to fight climate change (which is a hoax), Biden deliberately drove the price of gas up by killing domestic pipelines, production, and exploration.


Anyway, to reiterate my original point: On this 4th of July, despite all the lies and smears and kangaroo courts and billions of dollars in media propaganda, Donald Trump is the most popular politician in America.


Suck on that, media.