Anonymous ID: 9f3a33 Oct. 7, 2022, 10:58 a.m. No.17660468   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1944

Wisconsin Judge Stops Illegal Absentee Ballot Spoiling – A Huge Blow to Committing Election Fraud

Anonymous ID: 9f3a33 Oct. 7, 2022, 10:59 a.m. No.17660521   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1944

Armenia and Azerbaijan agree to EU mission on border


The European Council is set to launch a two-month civilian operation to delineate the disputed border between the two countries


The EU will launch a two-month civilian mission to define the border between Armenia and Azerbaijan, in a bid to resolve a long-running dispute, according to a statement by the European Council published on Friday.


Azerbaijan’s President Ilham Aliyev and Armenia’s Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan met in Prague on Thursday at the invitation of French President Emanuel Macron and European Council President Charles Michel. Both leaders confirmed their commitment to recognize each other’s territorial integrity and sovereignty in accordance with the UN charter and the 1991 Alma Ata Declaration.


“There was an agreement by Armenia to facilitate a civilian EU mission alongside the border with Azerbaijan. Azerbaijan agreed to cooperate with this mission as far as it is concerned,” the council’s announcement reads.


The text explains that the civilian mission, which aims to “build confidence” and “contribute to the border commissions” will be dispatched to Armenia’s border with Azerbaijan later this month, and last for a maximum of two months.


The conflict stems from a decades-old territorial dispute over the Nagorno-Karabakh region, situated in Muslim-majority Azerbaijan but mostly populated by ethnic Christian Armenians. Yerevan has been supporting the region’s independence ever since it sought to break away from Bakus’s rule in the early 1990s.


Tensions between the two former Soviet republics erupted into an all-out war in 2020 which lasted for 44 days, ending with a Russia-brokered ceasefire. Last month, however, fighting broke out again as Armenia accused Azerbaijan of launching cross-border artillery and drone strikes. Baku insisted it was only responding to “provocations” from Yerevan.


Over 200 people were killed in the fighting before Baku “unilaterally” proposed a “humanitarian ceasefire,” stating it was not interested in escalating or destabilizing the situation any further, while Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan called on the CSTO for military assistance, claiming that Azerbaijani troops had seized parts of his country’s territory.


The CSTO refused to send its forces to the Armenia-Azerbaijan border, insisting on resolving the issue using political and diplomatic methods. The bloc’s chief of joint staff, General Anatoly Sidorov, stated that any further decisions would be based on the results of a joint mission sent by the organization to Armenia.

Anonymous ID: 9f3a33 Oct. 7, 2022, 11:03 a.m. No.17660746   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1837 >>1944

“Did You Or Did You Not Vote To Reject 18,000 More Border Patrol Agents? – I Think The Correct Amount Of Illegal Immigration Is ZERO.” – Trump-Endorsed Blake Masters Stumps Mark Kelly at Debate


Trump-Endorsed Blake Masters was the only one asking real questions on last night’s Arizona Clean Elections debate stage.


Blake Masters slammed Mark Kelly Thursday night for voting to hire 87,000 more IRS agents to go after hard-working Americans and small business owners while simultaneously voting against hiring 18,000 new border patrol agents in the massive $740 billion Bidenflation bill. “Mark Kelly left our southern border wide open and voted for all the trillions in spending that caused this massive inflation,” Masters told the voters.


Kelly responded, “I’ve worked hard to make sure we have the money, so we have more Border Patrol patrol agents on the ground. And that’s what we have today.”


What we have today is a wide-open southern border crisis and a deadly fentanyl crisis.


What we have are 87,000 new IRS agents and massive inflation. And the worst inflation in the country can be found in Phoenix, Mesa, and Scottsdale, Arizona.


The Gateway Pundit recently reported that over one million deadly fentanyl pills were seized from an Arizona home. According to the US Drug Enforcement Administration, Fentanyl is 50-100 times stronger than morphine.


This much fentanyl could likely kill millions of Americans.


Masters then asked Mark kelly, “did you or did you not vote to reject 18,000 more Border Patrol agents in the inflation Reduction Act passage?” Mark Kelly fumbled his words and refused to admit that he voted against hiring 18,000 new CBP agents at our southern border.


“There it is right there,” said Blake Masters.


After Mark Kelly lied and said he was “strong on border security,” moderator Ted Simons spoke for Kelly and accused Masters of “cherry picking.”


Masters reiterated the facts and came back with another question that Kelly failed to answer.


“Have you done everything in your power to secure our southern border?” Masters asked. It’s a yes or no question, but Mark Kelly gave a more complicated response because he has not done everything in his power.


Kelly has, in fact, repeatedly voted against border security, including voting against an amendment that would stop Biden from canceling existing border wall contracts numerous times and voting to end Title 42 — a Trump-era order blocking asylum seekers at the US border to protect public health. Fentanyl affects public health in America, but the Democrats don’t care.


Masters said he believes we need to build a wall and double the size of Border Patrol.


When the moderator asked Blake Masters how we would know that the border is secure, Blake told him, “call me old-fashioned, but I think the correct amount of illegal immigration is zero… We’re losing 2000 Arizonans every year to fentanyl. This stuff is poison. It’s coming right there up through the southern border. And Mark Kelly and Joe Biden have not done a single thing to stop it.”


Masters also highlighted the fact that the Democrats have welcomed this invasion on our southern border by incentivizing people to break the law, giving them refuge in free hotel rooms in Scottsdale, and treating them better than we treat our US military members.


Kelly finally did admit that the border is “chaos,” unlike Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, who are still trying to sell the idea that “the border IS secure.”


The Gateway Pundit reported on the full debate, which can be found here.

Anonymous ID: 9f3a33 Oct. 7, 2022, 11:08 a.m. No.17661039   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1846

'Gold Teeth' Ukraine Recovered From 'Russian Mini-Auschwitz Torture Chamber' Were Actually From Village Dentist - Report


The Ukrainian Defense Ministry on Tuesday posted a photograph of a box of "gold dental crowns" they claimed were extracted from Ukrainian victims in a "torture chamber" in Pisky-Radkivski they dubbed a "mini Auschwitz."


"A torture chamber in Pisky-Radkivski," the Ukrainian Defense Ministry tweeted. "2 photos. A gas mask that was put on the head of a victim who was covered with a smoldering rag and buried alive. And a box of gold dental crowns. A mini Auschwitz. How many more will be found in occupied Ukraine?"

Anonymous ID: 9f3a33 Oct. 7, 2022, 11:12 a.m. No.17661283   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1944

Video: Financial Oligarch Says Central Banks Will Have ‘Absolute Control’ of Money in Coming Cashless Society

Anonymous ID: 9f3a33 Oct. 7, 2022, 11:14 a.m. No.17661403   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1944

World Economic Forum Biometric ‘Digital Identity Project’ Given $106M Boost by Trudeau’s Canadian Government.


The World Economic Forum is a formal partner of the Canadian government for its Known Traveler Digital Identity Project, according to newly released documents.


The partnership, which follows speculation that the World Economic Forum (WEF) was exploiting COVID-19 to launch digital identity tracking, was revealed by Conservative MP Leslyn Lewis. She filed an Order of Inquiry with Transportation Minister Omar Alghabra in June about the Known Traveler Digital Identity (KTDI) Project, which was officially announced in January 2018.


The pilot project has not been launched yet, as authorities claim the COVID-19 pandemic caused implementation delays “a shutdown of non-essential travel and, as such, project planning and implementation delays.”


In the newly released documents, the Canadian Transportation Minister admitted that the corporate-dominated, unelected, and unaccountable WEF is among several partners on the project:


“This project is based on voluntary contributions from project partners. All project partners are responsible for their respective costs associated with participation. Project partners include: the Government of Canada, the Government of the Netherlands, Air Canada and Royal Dutch airlines, Toronto, Montreal, and Schiphol International Airport, and the World Economic Forum.”


Among the proposed technologies to be used for the program once it is implemented include “distributed ledger technology; biometric technology; and cryptography.”


The budget for the project is “$105.3 million over five years, starting in 2021-22, with $28.7 million in remaining amortization and $10.2 million per year ongoing to Transport Canada to collaborate with international partners to further advance the KTDI pilot project.”


Led by Klaus Schwab, the WEF, in collaboration with many of its corporate partners, has lobbied for a Chinese Communist Party-style “social credit score” system. The restriction of travel is a key component of the agenda, a tactic which has been widely used by Beijing throughout the COVID-19 pandemic.


Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau also has a history of collaborating with the WEF.

Anonymous ID: 9f3a33 Oct. 7, 2022, 11:16 a.m. No.17661504   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1616 >>1944

Newsom-Appointed Judge Gives Pedophile With ‘One Of The Largest’ Child Porn Collections Less Than Half A Year In Jail.


A California man arrested with what authorities described as an “astonishing” amount of child pornography – including over 1,000 DVDs with content showing children being raped – will spend less than a year in jail.


The light sentence was issued by Fresno County Superior Court Judge Leanne Le Mon, a self-identified Democrat and judicial appointee of Governor Gavin Newsom.


On Tuesday, 57-year-old Michael Wayne Martin of Fresno was officially sentenced to 180 days in jail and two years of formal probation, according to court documents.


The sentence follows Martin’s arrest in May of 2021, where investigators with the Fresno County Sheriff’s Office found over 1,000 DVDs that contained videos of children being raped at his home.


“His closet was stuffed full of DVDs, the majority contained video and images of children being raped. Disgusting material,” said Tony Botti with the Fresno County Sheriff’s Office in response to Martin’s arrest.


Officials described their findings, which also included electronic devices and books containing explicit photos and videos of children, as “one of the largest collections of child pornography they have ever come across in an investigation.” No evidence suggested that Martin engaged in physical contact with children.


Martin had originally entered a not guilty plea on the child pornography possession charges, though he later changed it to no contest.


Despite the staggering size of Martin’s child pornography collection, he will be eligible for release in December of this year after he serves just 180 days – less than half of a year – in jail.


Martin’s lenient sentencing follows a host of Democratic politicians and left-wing activists, often advocates for the “Defund The Police” movement, getting arrested for possessing child pornography and pedophilia. Mainstream media outlets including USA Today have also come under fire for promoting pedophilia, as have several professors at universities and U.S. military institutions.

Anonymous ID: 9f3a33 Oct. 7, 2022, 11:18 a.m. No.17661619   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1784 >>1944

FBI Team Involved in Censorship of Hunter Biden Laptop Story Identified


The FBI team that was in communication with Facebook before the social media company censored the original Hunter Biden laptop story has been identified, according to a new court filing.


Meta, Facebook’s parent company, identified the team as the FBI’s Foreign Influence Task Force (FITF), according to an updated complaint entered late on Oct. 6.


Meta named the team after receiving a subpoena in a case alleging the federal government pressured Big Tech firms to censor users.


“Pursuant to the third-party subpoena, Meta has identified the FBI’s FITF, as supervised by Laura Dehmlow, and Elvis Chan as involved in the communications between the FBI and Meta that led to Facebook’s suppression of the Hunter Biden laptop story,” the updated complaint states.


Mark Zuckberg, Meta’s CEO, said in August that Facebook reduced the reach of posts about Hunter Biden’s laptop in response to advice from the FBI.


“The background here is the FBI I think basically came to some folks on our team [and] were like, ‘Hey, just so you know, you should be on high alert. We thought that there was a lot of Russian propaganda in the 2016 election, we have it on notice that basically there’s about to be some kind of dump similar to that, so just be vigilant,’” Zuckerberg said on Joe Rogan’s podcast. He made similar comments before the Senate in 2020.


“One of the threats that the FBI has alerted our company and the public to was the possibility of a hack and leak operation in the days or weeks leading up to this election,” Zuckerberg said then. Those alerts “suggested we be on high alert and sensitivity if a trove of documents appeared that we should view that with suspicion that it might be part of a foreign manipulation attempt,” he added.


The FBI did not respond to a request for comment on the updated lawsuit, which now names the FBI as a defendant. The bureau said previously that it is routinely in touch with U.S. companies but “cannot ask, or direct, companies to take action on information received.”

2 Officials


The FITF was established by FBI Director Christopher Wray in 2017 “to identify and counteract malign foreign influence operations targeting the United States,” according to the bureau’s website. Such operations include covert actions by outside governments aimed at influencing the American political scene or discourse, the bureau has said.


Laura Dehmlow is a supervisor of FITF. She has been named as a defendant in the case along with Elvis Chan, a special agent who manages the cyber branch at the FBI’s San Francisco Field Office.


According to new documents produced by the government as part of discovery in the case, Dehmlow briefed the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency’s (CISA) Cybersecurity Advisory Committee on March 1, 2022. Minutes of the meeting show Dehmlow telling members that the FITF actually started in 2016 and has since grown to 80 workers.


Asked about goals for approaching mal-, mis-, and disinformation, Dehmlow said that “we need a media infrastructure that is held accountable; we need to early educate the populace; and that today, critical thinking seems to be a problem currently,” according to the minutes.

Anonymous ID: 9f3a33 Oct. 7, 2022, 11:19 a.m. No.17661706   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1820 >>1944

47 New Biden Administration Defendants Named in Government–Big Tech Censorship Lawsuit


Nearly 50 new government defendants have been added to the lawsuit that alleges the government induced censorship of state officials and others on social media.


The second amended complaint in the case, Missouri v. Biden, includes six new agencies, bringing the total to 13, and 41 new individual defendants, bringing the total to 54.


Altogether, 67 officials or agencies are accused of violating plaintiffs’ First Amendment rights by participating in a “censorship enterprise” through pressuring Big Tech firms like Facebook, Google, and Twitter to take action against users offering alleged misinformation.


Evidence backing the claims has been produced in discovery, including exchanges between White House officials and Meta, Facebook’s parent company and messages showing meetings between administration officials and the firms.


The new defendants include the FBI; former White House senior COVID-19 adviser Andrew Slavitt; Dana Remus, counsel to President Joe Biden; Elvis Chan, an FBI special agent based in San Francisco; Janell Muhammed, deputy digital director at the Department of Health and Human Services; Allison Snell, an official at the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency; the Food and Drug Administration (FDA); the State Department; and Mark Robbins, interim executive director of the U.S. Election Assistance Commission.


One or more of the Big Tech firms that were subpoenaed in the case identified the officials as possibly communicating with them on content moderation relating to “COVID-19 misinformation,” the New York Post’s story about Hunter Biden’s laptop, the administration’s since-disbanded Disinformation Governance Board, and/or “election security, integrity, outcomes, and/or public confidence in election outcomes (not to include issues of foreign interference or related issues).”


Slavitt was named because emails show he was in communication with Facebook regarding the combating of alleged misinformation. The messages show that Facebook was committed to censoring and de-emphasizing posts that were “departing from the government’s messaging on vaccines,” plaintiffs said. Slavitt also called for Twitter to ban Alex Berenson, an independent journalist, previously released messages show.


Muhammed, meanwhile, was in touch with Facebook to ask the company to take down pages and accounts that were allegedly misrepresenting themselves as representing the government. “Absolutely,” one of the Facebook employees responded.


Other discovery suggests the FDA “has participated in federally-induced censorship of private speech on social media about questions of vaccine safety and efficacy, among other subjects,” plaintiffs said.


The agencies that were added to the case did not respond to requests for comment.


U.S. District Judge Terry Doughty, a Trump appointee overseeing the case, recently ordered defendants named in earlier complaints to comply with demands, including Dr. Anthony Fauci, a top medical adviser to Biden. The new documents do not include any more information from Fauci or the White House press secretary’s office.

Anonymous ID: 9f3a33 Oct. 7, 2022, 11:20 a.m. No.17661761   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1898

Uvalde School District Suspends Entire Police Force


The school district in Uvalde, Texas, suspended its entire police force on Friday, five months after a mass shooting claimed the lives of 19 students and two teachers, the district said in a statement.


The district said it suspended all activities of the Uvalde Consolidated Independent School District Police Department “for a period of time,” while two officers, Lieutenant Miguel Hernandez and Ken Mueller, were placed on administrative leave.


The police department has been under investigation for its response to the shooting in May, including delays by officers in reaching the gunman while he was holed up in a classroom.


The school district said it requested additional officers from the Texas Department of Public Safety to provide campus security.