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>Dumb cops and now dumb soldiers



Army eases education enlistment requirements over recruiting woes


By Mike Glenn - The Washington Times - Thursday, June 30, 2022


The Army is suspending education requirements for potential recruits, saying a high school diploma or GED is no longer required before a new soldier can head to basic training.


The move comes as the Department of Defense is facing its most daunting enlistment challenge in years.


Joining the Army without a high school diploma has been an option in past years but only on a limited basis.



US Court Ruling: You Can Be “Too Smart” to Be a Cop

Police department disqualifies anyone whose IQ is “too high"

By Melissa Dykes

Global Research, June 19, 2020

The Daily Sheeple 17 December 2014


Can a person actually be “too smart” to be a cop in America? “Considering all the police brutality and officer-involved shootings in the news these days, here’s a rhetorical question for you: how well does this hiring practice bode for cops actually being able to follow the Constitution or use proper discretion while “protecting and serving” America? A federal court’s decision back in 2000 suggests that, yes, you actually can be”.


Robert Jordan, a 49-year-old college graduate, scored a 33 on an intelligence test he took as part of the application process to become a police officer in the town of New London, Connecticut. The score meant Jordan had an IQ of 125.


The average score for police officers was a 21-22, or an IQ of 104. New London would only interview candidates who scored between 20 and 27.


Jordan sued the city alleging discrimination, but the 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in New York upheld that it wasn’t discrimination. “Why?” you might ask. Because New London Police Department applied the same standard to everyone who applied to be a cop there.


And the theory behind it?


“Those who scored too high could get bored with police work and leave soon after undergoing costly training,” ABC News reported back then. While at least acknowledging the basic fact that such a policy might be “unwise,” the court deemed it had a “rational basis” because it was put in place to lower cop turnover.

A Nation in Turmoil. Elections Looming. The Militarization of U.S. Police Forces