Anonymous ID: 392aea Oct. 7, 2022, 7:22 a.m. No.17648655   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9169





Anonymous ID: 392aea Oct. 7, 2022, 7:24 a.m. No.17648942   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9237 >>9793

Irina Yarovaya reported on the progress of the parliamentary investigation into the activities of the US biological laboratories in Ukraine


Irina Yarovaya emphasized that the President's decision to conduct a special military operation made it possible “to suspend the Pentagon's dangerous military-biological activities on the territory of Ukraine.”


She recalled that for the effective work of the Commission, there were created four working groups: on medicine, law, security, information and a scientific advisory council, that would help to discuss important issues in various formats with experts, interested ministries and departments and analyze documents and materials.


“I want to present to you the materials that have already been studied by the Commission. These are documents that we had analyzed in the most detailed way and translated from English and Ukrainian full texts of all agreements that were found during Russia’s special operation carried in Ukraine,” the Co-Chair of the Commission said.


“Our task was not only to use the documents of the Ministry of Defense, but to independently work on obtaining additional evidence,” stressed the Deputy Chairwoman of the State Duma and added that the Commission identified all witnesses who gave exclusive evidence of the activities of military laboratories in Ukraine. According to Irina Yarovaya, such work had revealed facts of significant infringements of safety requirements in those laboratories in Ukraine.


“Today we can say that these activities were performed by highly qualified Pentagon specialists. There were involved several special services, which were affiliated with the Pentagon and served as trainers in Ukraine,” said Irina Yarovaya.

The Commission found confirmation by digital codes of evidence that those specialists had professional experience in the development of biological weapons, as noted the Co-Chair of the Commission.


Irina Yarovaya also informed about a fact of bioterrorism which took place on the territory of the Slavyanoserbsky region of the LPR. Relevant criminal proceedings were initiated to investigate that case.


“I mean the distribution of counterfeit banknotes that were infected with a very dangerous, highly pathogenic strain of Asian tuberculosis,” Irina Yarovaya specified.


In addition to the case with banknotes, the Co-Chair of the Commission informed about the activities of the veterinary laboratory in Mariupol, which at first was out of sight of the military: there had been revealed pathogens of diseases not typical for veterinary medicine, like typhoid fever, paratyphoid fever, perfringens. 124 seized strains are being studied by specialists, as added Irina Yarovaya.

“For the first time, we had revealed in documents that were seized by the Ministry of Defense facts that dangerous experiments were conducted on Ukrainian servicemen. These documents contain information that in case of adverse effect Ukraine had to inform the American side within 72 hours. In case of a death of a serviceman — within a day,” said Irina Yarovaya.


No humanitarian projects intend such consequences, as said the Co-Chair of the Commission.



Anonymous ID: 392aea Oct. 7, 2022, 7:25 a.m. No.17649206   🗄️.is 🔗kun

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Anonymous ID: 392aea Oct. 7, 2022, 7:26 a.m. No.17649297   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>what's it like to be one of those little planes…


Blancholirio channel is for you.

Anonymous ID: 392aea Oct. 7, 2022, 7:27 a.m. No.17649580   🗄️.is 🔗kun

What Klaus Schwab, WEF and WHO Reveal About Genetic Engineering


A couple of days ago we published an article about a study, an experiment really, where CRISPR-Cas9, a gene-editing tool, was used to manipulate behaviour in hamsters. Contrary to what the researchers were hoping, the experiment “developed” vicious hamster monsters that turned on littermates of the same sex.


In our previous article we asked the question: would they do this in humans? And now we ask: could they, in other words, do they have the ability to modify human behaviour through genetic re-engineering?


Keep these questions in mind as you read, and watch, the following.


Klaus Schwab’s Genetic Modification


The clip below is an excerpt from a 16-minute interview by Charlie Rose on 13 November 2013.


Rose asked Klaus Schwab: “You want to talk about in this year’s [Davos] conference, in January, mastering the fourth industrial revolution.”


Schwab responded: “If you look into the future, there’s so much going on in technology. It’s a real revolution … Our life, the pattern of governing societies, will be so much affected with what’s going on in research in innovation … look at big data …”


Rose: “And look at things like artificial intelligence and robots. Look at things like gene editing, opening a whole new horizon for medical science”


Schwab: “You see the difference of this fourth industrial revolution is it doesn’t change what you are doing. It changes you, if you take a genetic editing, just as an example. It’s you who are changing. And of course, this has a big impact on your identity.”


World Economic Forum’s Genetic Modification


When Chinese researchers first edited the genes of a human embryo in a lab dish, using CRISPR, in 2015, it sparked global outcry and pleas from scientists not to make a baby using the technology, wrote MIT Technology Review in November 2018.


By the time MIT Technology Review had written its article, it may have already been happening. According to Chinese medical documents posted online in November 2018, a team at the Southern University of Science and Technology, in Shenzhen, had been recruiting couples to create the first gene-edited babies. They planned to eliminate a gene called CCR5 in hopes of rendering the offspring resistant to HIV, smallpox, and cholera.


When we attempted to retrieve the source documents MIT Technology Review linked in their article, HERE and HERE, one had been withdrawn from the Chinese Clinical Trial Registry and the other is now a dead link.


Lest it should suffer the same fate as the other, we have downloaded a copy of the withdrawn paper from the Chinese Clinical Trial Registry – ‘Evaluation of the safety and efficacy of gene editing with human embryo CCR5 gene’, Southern University of Science and Technology, 8 November 2018 – and attached it below to preserve it.

Anonymous ID: 392aea Oct. 7, 2022, 7:28 a.m. No.17649679   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>tards ruin everything

So I don't know if your calling me a tard but I don't like youf fuckin attitude.


If that marxist wasn't on the ballot

because a proper background check disqualified his insolent treasonous motherfucking ass.


OUr country wouldn't be fucked up.

Anonymous ID: 392aea Oct. 7, 2022, 7:31 a.m. No.17650225   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Deep thought… if the jab does hurt conception (as well as kill?) how many of the left got the jab and do you think they have the brain power to figure out the whole stupidity of them fighting for abortion (the gay/lesbians/trans are too mental to figure it out with the amount of mental damage they have) when their own side sterilized them?

Mind F***.

They would mentally lock up with the logic.

Mental hospitals or suicide.

Wait… another one… did [they] think this through… no/less conception, less abortions= less money for them anyway?

Of course they did.

They are after mass depopulation at this point of their plan. They don't need the money anymore (they got it all) as they are at the bigger events of their plan. So they don't really care whether RvW is removed. They can use it for this trigger event for the destruction of America and start the CW part of their plan.

That is why it was planned for release at this time (summer of rage… again) and why they gave the early warning (leak) for the kick off for their minions when they did.

Prep time for their minions for coming events, "Night of Rage".

[They] are sick bastards using those minions/sheep, who they possibly sterilized without their knowledge, to fight for them to destroy the Country and die to save [them] from the hangman, though at this point they thought they would initiate their "Color Revolution" and take the Country/Constitution down from a fearful, brainwashed public/sheep… but now they know they are facing the Majority of the PEOPLE and Patriots who won't just give in.

The Great Awakening fucked up their plan.

Thanks Pres. Trump.

We did well anon's.

I know… deep rabbit hole. What do you think?