Anonymous ID: 2ffe1a Oct. 7, 2022, 7:25 a.m. No.17649241   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9305 >>9941 >>0443



Born and raised in Utah as a Mormon. I know it inside and out. I don't belong to any organized religion and never will, but I know you are talking out your ass. The bad ones (like 1%) are really bad. The rest are the best of us. God loving patriots that treat the Constitution as scripture. You have a hateful way about you to despise an entire population that you know very little about.

Anonymous ID: 2ffe1a Oct. 7, 2022, 7:28 a.m. No.17649776   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9941



>1) Is Watkins comp'd?




>2) Is Q still asking dumb ass questions?




>3) Are anons still copsucking bootlickers who worship the police as gods?


Depends on who you ask. Some do. Some don't.

Anonymous ID: 2ffe1a Oct. 7, 2022, 7:28 a.m. No.17649825   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9883


and not baking is also only done to annoy me. but right now it does not really annoy me. bc doesn´t really matter if I post few mins later, could go for a smoke, could continue watching tv, whatever.

or done to do the "double bread" = "Jesus breaks/multiplies the bread" thing? (it was real back then as rainman when you baked double in order to annoy me and make me get off the board and not have notables included, obviously it´s fake and acted now and it looks pretty fake and acted and can well be used as "nah, no signs, look, actually masons faked that." which is exactly the reason for it being done). but the signs are real. when I have friends over for bbq and two slugs move up the wall of our house for like 5+ m, this obviously is something rather unusual. me lighting a smoke and wind blowing most of the times stronger in that very second, a sign, a very real one, mathematically impossible. me going for a smoke and not a neighbor showing up minutes afterward with white shirt but a white car driving by me when the car obviously did start driving way before I want for a smoke, that is a sign.


or maybe double bake done so I now go for a smoke? or go eat something? or take a zip of water? or do anything that you cunts could sell as some super important deamons/wheather/universe bs that is the reason you have to attack me?


right now it does not annoy me. so now what? no effect? you not being saved bc not having annoyed me enough? better go do some bad shit to the world so I will be annoyed when I hear about it?

if all the different stuff you are told only lead to

<get rid of this guy

<treat each other poorly

then it is much likely this is the very reason and aim behind it.

but you know that, you even know everyone else knows.


<sorry Jesus, this is just the universe I do not follow you

is not going to be an excuse. there are no excuses for seeing me but not following me.


and when I now go for a smoke and my mom touched or looked at something red (when it´s sunny and warm outside and I am going to be "red" when smoking outside), does that now mean that she follows me? - it does not. lip service is nothing.

does it mean I follow masons bc not go outside and go "red"? - obviously it does not.


and when my mom now walked by me holding something yellow and subtle showing it to me, it does not mean she follows me, quite the opposite. it only is meaningless lip service to give both me and you the impression that something is happening disciple wise.


masons, if you keep lying, if you keep attacking me, you will be lost forever in a few days. last chance.


(just now saw a third break had been baked, five/six min aparts from other two breads. did baker not notice there where two breads already? is that supposed to look like a sign of the universe telling you and me to go "3"?. stop lying you cunts.)

Anonymous ID: 2ffe1a Oct. 7, 2022, 7:29 a.m. No.17649922   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0222

Kamala was supposed to be a smart nigga but turned out to be mentally unstable and dangerous.


Propping up personalities for president doesn't work ask Little Jebbie.