Anonymous ID: fc4196 Oct. 7, 2022, 7:41 a.m. No.17652206   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Normalizing Perversion


The reasons for the Left's perverse sexualizing of very young children make sense only if you are sexually neurotic. None of it makes sense if you are a rational, healthy, sexually normal person. For example, what is to be gained by first graders learning about drag queens and transsexuality? How is a child's life improved, how is the culture improved when children whose brains are not physically equipped to process such information get exposed to it? If it is the hope of sexualizers that children will be more accepting of perversity, to what end?


No government-schooled child of any age should be taught matters of sexuality, sexual behavior, or sexual identity beyond the egg-sperm basics. There is no legitimate reason for it. Let's back this truck up and reframe the argument: Instead of settling the debate where conservatives concede "age-appropriateness" ground to the sexualizers, reverse this polluted stream and remove all sexual material from all public and private schools and leave these matters to parents. Conservatives have been far too accommodating on this matter.


Why is the Left so anxious to expose little kids to sexually explicit cartoons of two boys (or one man and one boy) engaging in oral sex, as has been depicted in some schoolbooks? To normalize adult sexuality, normal or perverse, for small children is to tell them that it is normal for them to engage in it at their age. It isn't. This is like putting a boulder on an egg. Kids are eggs, easily molded and more easily scrambled. That makes them perfect victims for pernicious child predators. The same goes for transsexual material. Why groom a child into transsexuality, then try to hide it from parents if it is not wrong? Is this mere prurience or something more deeply malevolent?

Anonymous ID: fc4196 Oct. 7, 2022, 7:44 a.m. No.17652781   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2910


seems like a solid decode from GA. Most of us already suspect she is next anyway.