Anonymous ID: ab9874 Oct. 7, 2022, 9:28 a.m. No.17655568   🗄️.is 🔗kun



>Car randomly pulls up next to a cop, driver jumps out with an axe


Give the cop credit, he knew something was up and already had his finger on the trigger.

Anonymous ID: ab9874 Oct. 7, 2022, 9:48 a.m. No.17656645   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Just about everything we were taught is a lie.

I want ALL of (You) to soak on that one thought for awhile.

What if every sci-fy movie that [THEY] made was based in reality?

(You) have more than (YOU) know.

(You) know more than (YOU) know.

I was sent to Earth to help (You) realize, and know the TRUTHS

God Our Eternal Heavenly Father told others document everything

Jesus Christ came here to teach, and tell us the Truths who is who

I am just a small voice in a Grand Eternal Adventure we all call life

Many of us were chosen by Heavenly Father, and Jesus Christ, along with President Kennedy, President Trump, and Vice President Kennedy Jr. along with 10's of thousands more around the world.

President John F. Kennedy, President Donald J. Trump, (Yes) Vice President John F. Kennedy Jr. have ALL given their whole lifes existence to investigate , document, track, find, and prosecute those that committed crimes against children, and humanity, and to secure evidence of who is who, and the Crimes against Humanity, and Our Beautiful Children that [THEY] committed EVIL SICK SATANIC SACRIFICING With. Also with those that are Luciferian Satanic Jesuit Nazi Traitors that committed Subversive Treasonous Sick Wicked Acts against Humanity, and Countries Worldwide.

(You) are about to learn Truths that will shock your current reality

Jesus Christ, and Heavenly Father are in full control.

Lucifer, and his minions days are short.

[THEY] have nowhere to run or hide

Stock up on the basics, please know utilities will be operating

(You) are Free Sovereign Beautiful Children of God Our Father

A Beautiful New Heaven & Earth is under reconstruction right now

Pray, and Love Thy Neighbors as thyself

This is the calm before the storm.

The Truth Storm

[THEY] never thought she would lose.

President John F. Kennedy warned us about secret societies.

President Donald J. Trump took control during his Presidency, and found out everything, and caught them ALL RED_RED_HANDED.

Vice President John F. Kennedy Jr. together decades ago with Trump , and their Special Forces Q Team put theirs lives at risk so all of U.S. can have our Children & Countries back, and live a life of Love, Truth, Light, Liberty, and Happiness for this upcoming next Thousand Years


Where We Go One We Go ALL


Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming

I will add more Truths, and Information as times passes

Everything has meaning

Do not panic

Everything will be okay

Remember these days

The World is WATCHING

The World is CONNECTED


Love is the Answer

[THEY] LIE_STEAL_CHEAT & have done this THOUSANDS of Years

Anonymous ID: ab9874 Oct. 7, 2022, 10:27 a.m. No.17658789   🗄️.is 🔗kun

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