Anonymous ID: afa172 Oct. 7, 2022, 9:47 a.m. No.17656630   🗄️.is 🔗kun

What would happen if the Vatican didn't help any of the people who had petitioned the pope for assistance, and/or what if the Vatican actually turned some of these people over to the Nazi's, or what if there were other strange outcomes for these "lost" people? It will be public information so anons could dig.




The release includes 40,000 files cataloging 2,700 cases of "requests for help sent to Pope Pius XII by Jewish people … after the beginning of Nazi and fascist persecution…


making the documents widely available on the Internet would "allow the descendants of those who asked for help to find traces of their loved ones from any part of the world…


while the files contain the requests for help, little information is available about the outcomes…

Anonymous ID: afa172 Oct. 7, 2022, 9:59 a.m. No.17657302   🗄️.is 🔗kun


After 4+ years of "IT'S HABBENING TODAY!!!!" I've finally gotten to the point where I'm still expecting habbeings (more than ever), but in a mildly blackpilled fashion of of "it'll be soon, but it's surely not yet that day," so if past experience is any indicator, habbeings will soon habben on an "it's surely not yet that day" kek.

Anonymous ID: afa172 Oct. 7, 2022, 10:10 a.m. No.17657870   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Pelosi having a rough day?

Paul charged

Roe v Wade overturned and Q is back.


Truth bombs would kill off any riots planned

Anonymous ID: afa172 Oct. 7, 2022, 10:19 a.m. No.17658384   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Vandenberg SFB commander sued for denying retired veteran access over molestation conviction


A retired Air Force veteran in Santa Barbara County has filed a lawsuit against Vandenberg Space Force Base, accusing its commander of denying him access to the installation last year over a 30-year-old child molestation conviction, according to federal court documents.


In a lawsuit filed May 12 in the U.S. District Court for the Central District of California, 75-year-old plaintiff Joseph Simonson accused Col. Robert A. Long, commanding officer of Vandenberg SFB, for denying access over the 1992 conviction.


Additionally, Simonson said Long denied access to “constitutionally” protected retirement benefits by preventing physical access to the base and without providing notice, according to the filing.


Simonson seeks a judgment giving him access to the base, attorneys’ fees and “other relief the court deems just and proper,” the lawsuit states.


Defendants in the lawsuit include Long, who is the current commanding officer of Space Launch Delta 30, which controls the base, and at least 10 unidentified John Does.


A spokeswoman for Space Launch Delta 30 did not comment on the lawsuit and referred to Vandenberg personnel at the main gate, who stated that expired retiree cards are usually the only reason why those veterans are denied access. An individual’s ban is base-specific, meaning that the retiree could access another installation, according to base personnel.


The complaint stems from an incident at the base in October 2021, when Vandenberg personnel informed Simonson that he was no longer permitted to enter the base for any purpose, even for medical treatment for a recent diabetes diagnosis, according to court records.


Documents show Simonson attempted to enter the base for a medical appointment but was denied by Vandenberg security forces personnel, who told him that he was not allowed on base due to his “presence on California’s sex offender registry” for the conviction he received four years after retiring from the military.


Simonson said that he is a Vietnam War-era Air Force officer who retired at the rank of major and that his conviction had nothing to do with his military service.


In addition, Simonson said he had base access for nearly 30 years without incident after his conviction and even worked there as a defense contractor from 2005 until he retired in 2014, while holding a “secret” security clearance during that time, court records show.


Records also show that since retiring, Simonson had relied on access to Vandenberg Space Force Base, where he routinely purchased gasoline, clothing, groceries and obtained prescription drugs.