Anonymous ID: bf9abc Oct. 7, 2022, 9:46 a.m. No.17656533   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>8661

Capitol Police debunk Jan. 6 panel allegation GOP lawmaker helped rioters surveil complex


In blow to Thompson-Cheney committee, police Chief Thomas Manger writes "no evidence" Rep. Loudermilk did anything wrong on Jan. 5: "We do not consider any of the activities we observed as suspicious."


In a major blow to one of the Democrat-led Jan. 6 investigative committee’s allegations, the Capitol police chief declared Monday there is no evidence that Republican Rep. Barry Loudermilk led a group of protesters on a reconnaissance mission the day before the riots.


Capitol Police Chief J. Thomas Manger, appointed since the Jan. 6 tragedy, wrote in a letter to Congress obtained by Just the News, that an exhaustive review of security footage found no evidence that the Georgia congressman did anything other than give constituents a tour of some congressional office buildings.


In fact, the chief said, the congressman didn’t even enter the U.S. Capitol with the group.


“There is no evidence that Representative Loudermilk entered the U.S. Capitol with this group on January 5, 2021,” Manger wrote in a letter to Rep. Rodney Davis, R-Ill., the ranking Republican on the House Administration Committee. “We train our officers on being alert for people conducting surveillance or reconnaissance, and we do not consider any of the activities we observed as suspicious.”


220807 U. S. Capitol Police Response to RM Davis re Jan 5 2021 Tour.pdf


Davis, who led his own review of all security footage to clear Loudermilk and then pressed Capitol Police to make a conclusion, demanded Monday night that the Democrats who besmirched Loudermilk’s name apologize and face an ethics inquiry.


"The Democrats need to be ashamed of themselves," Davis told the Just the News, Not Noise television show.


Manger’s letter directly undercuts allegations made a month ago by Reps. Bennie Thompson, D-Miss., and Liz Cheney, R-Wyoming, the chairman and vice chairwoman of the Democrat-led Jan. 6 committee. They sent a letter released to the media in May demanding Loudermilk volunteer testimony and explain why he was giving a tour of the Capitol the day before the riots, suggesting it could be part of an effort to help case the Capitol building before the Jan. 6 protests.


"Based on our review of evidence in the Select Committee’s possession, we believe you have information regarding a tour you led through parts of the Capitol complex on January 5, 2021," Cheney and Thompson wrote. "The foregoing information raises questions to which the Select Committee must seek answers. Public reporting and witness accounts indicate some individuals and groups engaged in efforts to gather information about the layout of the U.S. Capitol, as well as the House and Senate office buildings, in advance of January 6, 2021."


2022-5-19.BGT LC Letter to Loudermilk.pdf


The two cited an earlier letter from Democratic Rep. Mikie Sherrill that alleged some GOP lawmakers gave tours on Jan. 5, 2021, that involved “suspicious behavior and access” and appeared to give defendants who stormed the Capitol the next day "an unusually detailed knowledge of the layout of the Capitol Complex."


"The presence of these groups within the Capitol Complex was indeed suspicious," Sherrill wrote.


2020.01.13_Sherrill Letter to USCP and SAA.pdf


Manger’s letter unequivocally cleared Loudermilk, noting his constituent group of 12 to 15 people never even reached the Capitol and did not even enter the tunnels from the adjacent office buildings. Instead, they visited an exhibit in the Rayburn House Office building.

Anonymous ID: bf9abc Oct. 7, 2022, 9:48 a.m. No.17656644   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>8762 >>8775 >>9893

Take a look at the value of the US Dollar since it's been traded against the Chinese Yuan.

The markers are the 2008 crash, the 2010 "Flash Crash", and the 2015 "Flash Crash"

7/10 Crashes are intentional.

The Federal Reserve helped by crashing interest rates and quantitative easing.

Look what happens to the value of the US Dollar compared to the Yuan when Donald Trump becomes the President.

Inflation is cured by DOMESTIC PRODUCTION. Once America start producing even the most mundane things, like flip flops, and takes it out of the hands of China, then things will normalize.

Limiting the money supply is happening (Coin shortage anyone?). The next step is for Congress to cut spending, which never happens.

The best solution is to create a new currency & mirror the "German Miracle"

Anonymous ID: bf9abc Oct. 7, 2022, 9:50 a.m. No.17656743   🗄️.is đź”—kun


>mental health medicine

There's no such thing. They only use drugs, poison, or cutting to seperate the conscious from the subconscious


Meanwhile for normal people.

There is working things out.

There is ho'oponopono

There's extra strength excedrin

Anonymous ID: bf9abc Oct. 7, 2022, 9:51 a.m. No.17656842   🗄️.is đź”—kun



The Tamagotchi is a handheld digital pet that was created in Japan by Akihiro Yokoi of WiZ and Aki Maita of Bandai. It was released by Bandai on November 23, 1996 in Japan and in the USA on May 1, 1997, quickly becoming one of the biggest toy fads of the late 1990s and the early 2000s

Anonymous ID: bf9abc Oct. 7, 2022, 9:58 a.m. No.17657207   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>7763


Fun Fact: Those who have access to the running source, can literally do anything that they want to. So it doesn't matter if that code has changed or not. You could even tell it when a post is made with a certain name / email / IP etc, to show X tripcode. It all boils down to you have to trust the site operators, or you don't.

Anonymous ID: bf9abc Oct. 7, 2022, 10:11 a.m. No.17657924   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>9466


This memorable ball has gone down in history, partly thanks to the preserved photographs. The best St. Petersburg photographers captured the guests, and the pictures were published in the "Album of the costume ball in the Winter Palace".


Princess Zinaida Yusupova

Anonymous ID: bf9abc Oct. 7, 2022, 10:13 a.m. No.17658077   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>8090

This is how evil the media is for not covering thisMay they all be assigned to hell with the democrats!

Anonymous ID: bf9abc Oct. 7, 2022, 10:24 a.m. No.17658649   🗄️.is đź”—kun

BREAKING: Per federal source, DHS is preparing to discipline multiple horseback Border Patrol agents who were accused of “whipping” Haitian migrants in Del Rio last summer. I’m told DHS will imminently allege “administrative violations”, agents will be able to respond
