Anonymous ID: 9385e3 Oct. 7, 2022, 9:51 a.m. No.17656814   🗄️.is 🔗kun






>I don't think there's anything wrong with reminding everyone that there's this focus to turn MSM on its head

That's not what this was.


Most of the shit he's talking about is shit that shills do to discredit. If he was anon just like us, from the beginning, he would know that.

<JFK JR is alive

<2 more weeks

This was a straight upself gloss. Claiming to be anon just like us but better cuz he's going to "step up" and have an "adult conversation".



<Alright, this is going to be a very uncomfortable conversation for many, but someone needs to step up.

>Paytriot is taking one for team. He's going to step up


<This is a topic I never directly talk about, but today we are going to talk about it. We are going to have an adult conversation about Q. More specifically, the people who talk about Q, the Anons.

>Never talks about it but the first time he does, calls anons children. "muh adult conversation"


<To preface my statements, those that have known me, know I go back to the beginning. I’ve been following the drops since Halloween, 2017. I used to be popular anon on Twitter under many different names, I’ve read every drop a plethora of times. I’ve followed the entire time. I’m an Anon just like you, I just intentionally avoid directly talk about Q to create a message more digestible for normies, and all those who are turned off by the Q community.

>trust me, I'm anon just like you


< I’m breaking massive stories l

> "me, all by myself. no anons helped, it was me for realz"


<Not with drops and decodes, but with real-world proofs

>this was happening all along


<Clearly I don’t speak for everyone


Anonymous ID: 9385e3 Oct. 7, 2022, 9:58 a.m. No.17657213   🗄️.is 🔗kun


you may not see much, but sometimes something will show on the radar

had the same thing happen a few weeks ago

and then nothing