Anonymous ID: 9c7950 Oct. 7, 2022, 8:33 p.m. No.17665474   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>5491 >>5495 >>5523 >>5539 >>5625 >>6909 >>7374 >>7512

Meet the Man Who May Have Convinced President Trump Voter Fraud Exists

By Melissa Chan

January 27, 2017


President Trump has repeatedly claimed, without proof, that millions of people voted illegally in the 2016 election. Now he’s identified one potential source for the claim, and he has no proof either.


On Friday morning, Trump tweeted a note of encouragement Friday to Gregg Phillips, a Texas man who has repeatedly claimed that he and a team of people have “verified” that 3 million votes were cast by “non-citizens.”


The propaganda in this article is dripping the same corruption the world is being assaulted with right now in that prime time fucking January 6 production. They think they are so clever, that they are once again going to walk away from all this and we'll just go back to whatever us little people do until the next distraction.


Go murder more kids! Fucker's need justice…


If you analyze just those first two paragraphs, the same words are repeated twice, "repeatedly claimed" and "without/no proof", in the first paragraph; then they remind the reader of the "repeatedly claimed" when they start talking about Gregg Phillips, who they also accuse of having 'no proof', in the second paragraph.


Further into this hit piece article, there is some good information and I was curious just how long Gregg Phillips has been analyzing the elections. I myself didn't realize he was involved in the 2016 election.


Is that what "We have it all' means?


In the linked below two part interview, Gregg Phillips reveals he began to get involved in election integrity in 1982 when he learned about the New Jersey Consent Decree, which was some document Republicans had signed that Republicans wouldn't look at, talk about, or touch anything to do with elections for 36 years…say what now?


Anyway, he expands a little more about an International investigation that involves law enforcement cooperation. The details will be released in six weeks (6 weeks from June 6=July 17) and there is nothing anyone do to stop it. Gregg says that there are individuals and groups and others have made threats that they shouldn't be looking into stuff; then offers to sacrifice themselves for others, and other 'deals'…and they've all been turned away. No deals.


He also talks about high how the corruption goes, and he says pretty much begins at the State level, anything from there all the way to F.B.I., forget it he says "they're useless". Their strategy has been to build cooperation at the local and municipal levels which has been very successful and they are ready this coming mid-term.


The link to @realdonaldtrump twitter handle from the article is still active, all of POTUS's tweets are gone but of course twitter kept the nasty comments…


Gas Hits Another High, True the Vote's Gregg Phillips Talks Election Integrity (June 6, 2022 Part 1) 14min


Gas Hits Another High, True the Vote's Gregg Phillips Talks Election Integrity (June 6, 2022 Part 2) 10min

Anonymous ID: 9c7950 Oct. 7, 2022, 8:33 p.m. No.17665495   🗄️.is đź”—kun















































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Anonymous ID: 9c7950 Oct. 7, 2022, 8:33 p.m. No.17665518   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>5641 >>5913

W.H.O. Admits Lockdowns Resulted in Dramatic Rise in Mental Health Problems


World mental health report: Transforming mental health for all

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Mental health is critically important to everyone, everywhere. All over the world, mental health needs are high but responses are insufficient and inadequate. The World mental health report: transforming mental health for all is designed to inspire and inform better mental health for everyone everywhere. Drawing on the latest evidence available, showcasing examples of good practice from around the world, and voicing people’s lived experience, it highlights why and where change is most needed and how it can best be achieved. It calls on all stakeholders to work together to deepen the value and commitment given to mental health, reshape the environments that influence mental health, and strengthen the systems that care for mental health.


The World Health Organization (WHO) has admitted that the very lockdown policies it advocated for have been instrumental in a drastic increase in mental health issues on a global scale.


In a report published on Friday, the World Health Organization claimed that anxiety and depression rose globally by a staggering 25 per cent in the first year of Chinese coronavirus lockdowns, alone. As a result, the report estimated that over one billion people worldwide are now suffering from mental health issues.


“Restrictions imposed during the COVID-19 pandemic for example had significant mental health consequences for many, including stress, anxiety or depression stemming from social isolation, disconnectedness and uncertainty about the future,” the W.H.O. stated.


The W.H.O. not only was instrumental in spreading Communist Chinese propaganda about the ability of the coronavirus to spread from human to human but was also a keen supporter of lockdown policies in response to the virus, which were inspired by Beijing’s draconian reaction to the Wuhan virus.


The Marxist chief of the W.H.O., Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, who came to power — despite never working as a medical doctor — with the backing of Beijing, was an early and outspoken advocate of lockdowns and warned against lifting restrictions too soon, despite warnings from critics of the mental health implications.


The report found that child sexual abuse and bullying were chief contributors to the rise in depression, with younger age groups being particularly impacted by lockdown policies.


“Globally there was also a greater change in prevalence among younger age groups than older ones, potentially reflecting the deep impact of school closures and social restrictions on youth mental health,” the W.H.O. report said.


“For some children and adolescents, being made to stay at home is likely to have increased the risk of family stress or abuse, which are known risk factors for mental health problems,” it added.


The mental health issues facing children during lockdowns have been longstanding. A report from leading British UK universities in July of last year found that nearly five times as many children died of suicide compared to the virus during the first year of lockdowns.


“The risk of removal of [children and young people] from their normal activities across education and social events may prove a greater risk than that of SARS-CoV-2 itself,” the study claimed.


Other mental health specialists have warned that children have increasingly begun experiencing “locked-in trauma”, in which they find it hard to make friends, interact with others, and even experience anxiety over playing with other children.

Anonymous ID: 9c7950 Oct. 7, 2022, 8:38 p.m. No.17665966   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>6118

The Nephilim have ruled the earth for a long long long time.

The tech of today is ancient, magical.

The Babylonian system is here.

Soon (they) will be revealed to the masses as aliens/gods

buckle up