Anonymous ID: fc159c Oct. 7, 2022, 8:55 p.m. No.17667304   🗄️.is đź”—kun





You… Obviously have never heard of these magic little things called MAC Addresses…


Valid explanation exist, you just choose to ignore it and deny.


So… Custom tripcode logic, OMGWUTNO!!!!!




Salt Rotation simply encrypts the same shit it always did with a different key.


You're taking advantage of the majority of anons not knowing much about encryption or HOW it works… to try and shill your ass off and label the Q post as a Ron Ploy… You're failing horribly…


The people that -know-… Know you are a faggot… And that's about it.


Do not pass go.

Do not collect $200.

Go Directly to Jail.


There's perfectly valid explanation… But if you don't know… then you don't know.


Would you like to play another game?


How long do you think you can keep this up before you are found?


If you're going to try and convince a programmer or cryptologist of bullshit… at least pretend like you know what you're talking about.