Anonymous ID: b4cade Oct. 7, 2022, 8:47 p.m. No.17666714   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6904 >>7710

European ‘Ukraine Unity’ Myth Starts Crumbling As Reality Kicks In


Drago Bosnic, independent geopolitical and military analyst


For nearly four months, we have been listening about “European unity” in the wake of “Russia’s unprovoked brutal invasion” and similar forced statements of no value in any shape or form. However, as the war in Ukraine drags on, started by the West in 2014, after its political and intelligence elites launched the Neo-Nazi Maidan insurrection, Europeans don’t only lack even a mere semblance of unity on most crucial matters concerning the EU (itself fading into geopolitical insignificance and obsolescence), but are even severely divided on how its future should look like.


The once-powerful colonialist continent pillaging the rest of the planet for centuries has become a cheap bargaining chip in a conflict between the old Cold War rivals. As the 19th-century French writer Alphonse Karr said, the more things change, the more they stay the same. If there ever was any illusion of European sovereignty, it vanished on February 24, when Russia decided it has had enough.


Despite initial “moral support” by the EU public, it seems Ukraine was just another (very) temporary trend in the minds of the amorphic masses. As the sanctions boomerang starts ravaging EU economies (deservedly so, to say the least), Ukrainian flags on social media started waning into the depths of Internet, first replaced by rainbow flags (the new “religion” of the political West) and then by Europeans finally facing the uncomfortable reality of price hikes, food shortages and an increasingly severe energy deficit. All self-imposed, we should add. As EU governments race to fulfill the will of Washington DC, regardless how much damage that leaves them with, the populace is turning to the very real problems they’re experiencing as a result of this suicidal subservience. This notion becomes even scarier to most Europeans as they realize fall (and soon after, winter) is mere months away.


According to the poll conducted by the Center for Liberal Studies, Europeans remain “largely united” in backing Kiev, but are divided over how long they’re willing to endure the conflict’s economic fallout. The survey across 10 countries suggests attention may turn to fears about the conflict’s wider impact, particularly the rising cost of living. ”EU governments will have to contend with this as they seek to maintain pressure against Moscow,” according to authors Ivan Krastev and Mark Leonard. A bit more than a third of those surveyed want the conflict to be over as soon as possible, even at Ukraine’s expense, while over a fifth (22%) stated it should “last as long as it takes to punish Russia and restore all of Ukraine’s land.”

Anonymous ID: b4cade Oct. 7, 2022, 8:49 p.m. No.17666877   🗄️.is 🔗kun

If there are any journalists here with anons shouting racial shit, its not anons, but of course you knew that right