Anonymous ID: 32a1b8 Oct. 7, 2022, 9:02 p.m. No.17667927   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8085 >>8119 >>8288 >>8431 >>8750 >>8775 >>9411

Reposting, as it was late last bread


Anons, I don't think the significance of this ruling could possibly be overstated. This is the biggest victory in the fight against cultural degradation and degeneracy. This is the beginning of the salvation of our country. And where America goes, the rest of the world follows.


If you think about what the left has done to us, the #1 societal problem, from which all problems stem, is the destruction of the family unit.


>Women were told they can have sex with whomever they please, without the consequences of a child.

>Men were told they can have sex with whomever they please, without the consequences of supporting a child.

>Women and men abandoned the practice of settling down early and starting a family in order to wage slave and appease the false idol of MONEY.

>Promiscuity destroyed men and women alike (think porn, the vanity and degeneracy of social media and the internet, the "sex sells" narrative in TV shows, movies, entertainment, advertisements etc., the pervasiveness of sex in all aspects of our society, the slippery slope that led directly to DRAG SHOWS FOR CHILDREN, and SEX ED IN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL, the destruction of innocence and Godliness.)


It all started with the lie that you can have sex without consequences. Our country turned into a Godless orgyfest and this is the beginning of the end of that. This is not just a red state/blue state thing. We are the majority and the murder of unborn children will one day be illegal in every state. That + the Great Awakening + spiritual revival (which will happen once the evil cabal's crimes against children and humanity are revealed) all will cause ripple effects that change the fabric of our society as we know it.


A return to wholesomeness, a return to propriety, a return to modesty, a return to civility, a return to family values, a return to God.


It might seem like it's a far-fetched ideal when right now we have banshees screaming in the streets because they can't kill children anymore, but I see the light at the end of the tunnel, anons. I see it so very clearly, especially considering all other happenings (Durham watch and election justice). God wins.