Anonymous ID: 60d8f1 Oct. 7, 2022, 9:05 p.m. No.17668192   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8643 >>2344 >>2745



Your recollection of Nuremberg is faulty. A great deal of honourable National Socialist men at the highest levels of the movement were tortured and executed (on trumped up charges).


Some, who could be useful to the Jewish controlled West, were offered deals, which some took.


Not all in the West were ok with the trumped up nature of the trial and its goings on either.


Many were and are aware that the trial was filled to the bring with trumped up charges and falsehoods, slandering good men, and filled with jewish racial hatred for goyim, especially goyim that had the temerity to stand against them.


You only got to the moon via National Socialist rocket scientists. Those boys were smart, useful AND good men. And so were the men unjustly executed at trial.


The war criminals were on the other side.

And anybody can see with their own eyes this.


Compare Paris after Hitler took it, to Berlin after the 'Allies' took it.


Compare Hitler having Germans that engaged in rape shot, vs the Allies mass raping millions of Germans after D day.


Compare Hitler providing his inmates with swimming pools, and music halls, vs the Jewish led Allies leaving more than 1 million German men to starve in giant camps in the open.


THEY, the Allies, bombed the supply lines Anon.

THEY causes the deaths (the 250,000 that actually died in camps).

The Germans were trying to keep them alive for obvious reasons.


Though the period that so many millions of Jews were said to have been liquidated, near the exact number 'appeared' in USA, Canada, UK, Australia, Israel, Brazil, Argentina, NZ, South Africa etc. And this can be verified by looking at the ethnic population tables of each nation, and their immigration tables through the period.


Palestine used to be filled with Palestinians not Jews. NY used to be a Christian, not a Jewish city. Florida used to have no more that a tiny handful of Jews.


The tale of Jewish deaths is a total fraud. They moved. Pre, post and during the war. Leaving the mess they, and their Western counterparts had willed into being.


No world war without Jewish ruled Anglo & French involvement. They declared war on Germany and invaded Germany first.


Public record. Invasion of the Saar. Well before Hitler returned fire.


A tiny conflict on a tiny sliver of land until Judaism decided it would prefer many millions dead, than a group of goyim living free of their rule, having shaken off their masters.


Because the National Socialists had shown the world just how wonderful freedom looked, and what prosperity it could deliver, and if one was going to be free, and others could see such an example, and it going unpunished and destroyed, why the whole world might throw off the corrupt elite on top of them, and working against them.