Anonymous ID: 4e1136 Oct. 7, 2022, 10:08 p.m. No.17673334   🗄️.is 🔗kun



You referenced Q's position. I talked to various takes on what Q's position might be.


I did not talk to what your position was.

So your commentary about "my imagination of you" is unfounded.


I did not talk about your views or spend time considering them. I talked to the comment you made on Q.


I speak out when people endorse anti-racism, because anti-racism is a vehicle for the racial replacement and dispossession of my people, and denial of their rights and self-determination. In short, anti-racism is a vehicle for genocide, and for the furtherance of the plans of the elite.


Something they have propagandised in, and rode to a nearly unassailable position, that is extraordinarily bad for ALL human beings and groups, inclusive of my own.



And which ultimately is the true patriot? The person actually in alignment with the founding fathers, that multi-cultism was death (hence a nation for "free white people" with laws to deny the enfranchisement of others), or the person in alignment with the ELITE PROPAGANDISED IN POSITION of USA as a multicult melting pot for all?


i.e is it truly patriotic to adopt the globalist anti-racist position, or the founding fathers racist position?


Do you want to be patriotic and defend the genocidal & dysfunctional abomination the elite turned USA into?


Or do you want to be patriotic and defend the position and intent of the founding fathers? Because they are two different things.


And if you are for patriotically defending the anti-White racist project of "anti-racism" as the elite wishes, do you at least understand that in doing so you are the exact opposite of a patriot in the traditional sense, but actually working against the founding intent of your nation?


I patriotically stand for my nation being given away to foreigners is an interesting contradiction to be able to maintain harmony with Anon.

Anonymous ID: 4e1136 Oct. 7, 2022, 10:09 p.m. No.17673414   🗄️.is 🔗kun


It is.

You can't argue against it with facts.

A few actually snap out of it when you mention aborted fetus cells being used for vaccine production, but that's only a few.


>They don't know they are being fed lies.

It's a religion.

It's a religion for most quacks and most pharmanarcisists. Same shit there. Mention facts, you get ignored. The follow-up problem is that tons of people believe these religious vaccine-zealots.


So again: what do want to do?

If they haven't figured it out by now that the vaccine is not only useless, but also dangerous, then there is not much you can do. The lies are so blatant and obvious.


This here is about all vaccines. With this shit all other vaccines will end as well, but only when people snap out of their belief.

Anonymous ID: 4e1136 Oct. 7, 2022, 10:11 p.m. No.17673521   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Not sure about these 2 cases but your theory is correct