Anonymous ID: ce9deb Oct. 7, 2022, 9:53 p.m. No.17672058   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>2210 >>2417

Global Food Crisis: Ukraine Is Demanding Weapons in Exchange for Resuming Wheat Exports


The so-called “deadlock” over resolving the global food crisis is just as artificially manufactured as its origins since Kiev has now officially declared that it won’t resume wheat exports by sea to the Global South unless it receives anti-ship missiles first.


Ukrainian Ambassador to Turkey Vasily Bodnar officially demanded weapons in exchange for resuming wheat exports by sea in what amounts to the blatant blackmailing of the Global South in the midst of the artificially manufactured food crisis.


He said that “Effective security guarantees are required for maritime shipments to resume. These guarantees must be provided through the supply of appropriate weapons to Ukraine to protect its coasts from maritime threats and the involvement of the navies of third countries in protecting the relevant part of the Black Sea.” This comprehensively debunks the US-led Western Mainstream Media’s (MSM) fake news that Russia is the one that’s supposedly holding the Global South hostage by allegedly blockading Ukrainian ports.


The background context is that Russian Ambassador to the UN Vasily Nebenzya already explained the artificially manufactured origins of the global food crisis late last month. In short, he blamed it on the economic consequences caused by the West’s response to COVID (particularly with respect to spiking inflation and influencing food demand); Ukraine’s mining of its own ports; and the anti-Russian sanctions.


President Putin later reiterated these causes in a TV interview that he gave a little over a week later on the same day that he met with Macky Sall, the Chairman of the African Union. His guest extended credence to the Kremlin’s explanation by declaring that “Anti-Russia sanctions have made this situation worse and now we do not have access to grain from Russia, primarily to wheat.”


All the while and in spite of the artificially manufactured origins of the food crisis that lie entirely beyond Russia’s control, Moscow has been doing its utmost to encourage Kiev to at the very least resume its wheat exports to the Global South. To that end, it proposed four potential corridors: the Azov Sea; the Black Sea; overland through Belarus en route to Baltic ports; and across Western Europe. Suffice to say, Kiev has flat-out refused to employ any of these means, though it’s also worth noting that Nebenzya mentioned in his speech late last month that Russia has “reasonable suspicions” to believe that Kiev is exporting wheat to those Western European countries that already have copious reserves of this commodity in exchange for arms exactly as happened with the Central Powers near the end of WWI.

Anonymous ID: ce9deb Oct. 7, 2022, 9:57 p.m. No.17672415   🗄️.is đź”—kun


Don't wanna be an American idiot!

Don't want a nation under the new media

And can you hear the sound of hysteria?

The subliminal mind fuck America!


Welcome to a new kind of tension

All across the alien nation

Where everything isn't meant to be okay

Television dreams of tomorrow

We're not the ones who're meant to follow

For that's enough to argue


Well, maybe I'm the faggot America

I'm not a part of a redneck agenda(alright!)

Now everybody do the propaganda

And sing along to the age of paranoia


Welcome to a new kind of tension

All across the alien nation

Where everything isn't meant to be okay

Television dreams of tomorrow

We're not the ones who're meant to follow

For that's enough to argue


(He knew)

Anonymous ID: ce9deb Oct. 7, 2022, 9:58 p.m. No.17672500   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>3834


Kind of slim pickins at the Homo Depot I just got back from but that is to be expected this time of year. I stockpile seeds and store them on a container in a cool corner of the garage. I basically replenished my green pepper, corn, cabbage and got some beets for this year. The rest are for next year as I am almost complete in planting from last years seed stock.. Got 2 green pepper plants and a few tomatoes to go in later today. Pre grown plant shelves were full.

I fucking love gardening.

AND seeds really don't expire for a couple of years. I kind of call bullshit on the kids story or someone ripped them off.



I always plant outside after memorial day. Night freezes here in The Sierras are brutal until then. Have a green house going year round though.

Anonymous ID: ce9deb Oct. 7, 2022, 10:09 p.m. No.17673377   🗄️.is đź”—kun


We experience 4 dimensions although we can only move through the three physical dimensions for the most part. Each subsequent dimension is an infinitely perpendicular locus of the previous dimension. Take a 0 dimensional point, extend it infinitely perpendicular to itself and it becomes a line. Take a 1d line, infinitely extend it perpendicular to itself and you get a 2d plane.


So a 5d person would have immediate access to two neighboring 4th dimension universes because it is an infinitely extended locus of 4d universes in both directions. That's why at 5d you have access to two dimensions, not just one.


6d would have access to potentially infinite dimensions as it would have a locus of alternate dimensions.


Such a being might think itself a god! Until it realizes with horror that all timelines and universes converge into a single point. And nothing they can do is able to change it. Then maybe they'd start flipping out a little.