Anonymous ID: 30be37 Oct. 7, 2022, 10:07 p.m. No.17673238   🗄️.is 🔗kun

April 1st Ezra A. Cohen

Oppose any introduction of Central Bank Digital Currencies.



April 28th Ezra A. Cohen

A worldwide economy crash to bring forth a one world digitized currency.



Ezra A. Cohen

US Economy in full collapse. Did you empty your bank?



Just as Predicted before May 12th…Ezra A. Cohen


The goal is to hyperinflate the US dollar and other fiat world currencies.


They will eventually change the tune to saying:


The dollar is unfixable.

We tried to fix it and we cant.

The dollar is unsustainable.


Slowly they will start to introduce central bank digital currencies which will eventually one day become a one world currency.


Keep your I on the sky #bluebeam



Hell No to any central banks digital currencies! Digital Currency is Slavery, beholden to One Global Master.




BREAKING: Great Reset | Digital Currency

Federal Reserve Chair Powell: "Rapid changes are taking place in the global monetary system that may affect the international role of the dollar."


A US central bank digital currency (CBDC) is being examined to "help the US dollar's international standing."


Fed servers will be coming online in February 2023.


Here we go… it's an idea that's been touted for some time, now the moves are being made.

Anonymous ID: 30be37 Oct. 7, 2022, 10:08 p.m. No.17673260   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3456



That's the problem with criminal gangs

even those that wear suits

the biggest monster always becomes top dog

and all the littler monsters suck big ones

and can only take so much of the top monster

doomsville for all


maybe ought not join a criminal gang

at all

it all comes to bad ends