Anonymous ID: f3d006 Oct. 7, 2022, 9:27 p.m. No.17669977   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>0111 >>0467 >>2098


Catalan Parliament passes resolution recognizing Israeli apartheid


The Catalan Parliament, a regional parliament in Spain, passed Thursday a resolution recognizing that the Israeli occupation is committing the crime of apartheid against the Palestinian people, becoming the first European parliament to do so.


The passed resolution accused the Israeli occupation of applying a system that is "contrary to international law and is equivalent to the crime of apartheid as defined in the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, Article 7.2 (h)."


"A historic moment"


Celebrating the resolution, the left-wing En Comu Podem party tweeted, "Parliament, the first European institution to recognize that Israel is committing the crime of apartheid against the Palestinian people, as noted in Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch."


On her part, MP Susana Segovia Sánchez hailed the Parliament's resolution and considered that "this is a historic moment. Today we call by name the violation of human rights in Palestine."


Floored in March by leftist parties, the passed resolution urges holding the Israeli occupation accountable for its crimes.


"Israel" forcing system of apartheid on Palestinians


It is noteworthy that human rights group Amnesty International released in February 2022 a 211-page report - whose release "Israel" had fought against - asserting once and for all that the Israeli regime is forcing a system of apartheid on Palestinians.


Amnesty called in its report on the UN Security Council to "impose targeted sanctions, such as asset freezes, against Israeli officials most implicated in the crime of apartheid, and a comprehensive arms embargo on Israel."


Similarly, the International Human Rights Watch published a report in April 2021 confirming that "Israel" is committing crimes of apartheid.

Anonymous ID: f3d006 Oct. 7, 2022, 9:43 p.m. No.17671274   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>2569 >>3129



Actions get things done. They get results. Pressure by millions of Trump supporters gets results. This serves to pacify people and direct them towards utter bullshit.


Make no mistake: there was immense pressure put on politicians, and they acted. In no small part thanks to narratives that were largely backed by this. What happened? You carried out Hillary's plan for her. You had labeled the entire FBI leadership as criminals (To be clear: All in on it with Hillary) and dragged them through hundreds of testimonies and document dumps. You had a microscope on their entire lives.


What do we know now? That it was literally Hillary's plan. They weren't in on it. They were being investigated (see DNI Ratcliffe memo), they were being fed lies by the Clinton Campaign (see Dolan/Danchenko/Sussmann). Then when the FBI simply does what is expected of them, it's all perceived as criminal.


Good job. That's what happened. That's what you get. 4 years of attacking the wrong people and getting absolutely nothing out of it.

Anonymous ID: f3d006 Oct. 7, 2022, 10:06 p.m. No.17673132   🗄️.is đź”—kun


Fun means NOTHING when your ENJOYING yourself…


Sounds like your in a meaning crisis… so most I can do for you right now is till you this…


Your state of mind affects your SOUL… your mind wants fun your soul NEEDS JOY… & JOY comes from within…

Anonymous ID: f3d006 Oct. 7, 2022, 10:11 p.m. No.17673538   🗄️.is đź”—kun


1965, CIA gangster police BEAT ME BLOODY, dragged me IN CHAINS from Kennedy New York Airport! Since then I HIDE in forced jobless poverty, isolated alone in this low deadly town old house. The brazen, deadly Gangster Police and puppet underlings spray me with POISON NERVE GAS from automobile exhausts and even lawnmowers! DEADLY ASSAULTS, even in my yard with knives, even bricks and stones, even DEADLY TOUCH TABIN or ELECTRIC SHOCK FLASHLIGHTS; even remote electronically controlled around-corners-projection of DEADLY TOUCH TARANTULA SPIDERS or even bloody-murder "accidents" to shut me up forever with a Sneak Undetectable Extermination! Even with trained parroting puppet assassins in MAXIMUM SECURITY INSANITY PRISON for writing these unforgivable TRUTHS!!

Anonymous ID: f3d006 Oct. 7, 2022, 10:16 p.m. No.17673965   🗄️.is đź”—kun



This will bring down some folks…BIG!


The FBI has seized the data of Gen. John R. Allen, a retired general and President of the Brookings Institute, who is accused of making false statements and withholding incriminating evidence with regard to his role in an illegal Qatari lobbying scheme.


"New federal court filings obtained Tuesday outlined a potential criminal case against former Marine Gen. John R. Allen, who led U.S. and NATO forces in Afghanistan before being tapped in 2017 to lead the influential Brookings Institution," the Associated Press reports.


The investigation is wide-ranging and has already resulted in sentences against former ambassador to the UAE, Richard G. Olson and well-known donor Imaad Zuberi, who is serving 12 years on corruption charges.

The FBI alleges that Allen provided a "false version of events" about his work for Qatar. Allen is also accused of failing to produce communications in response to a grand jury subpoena.


The Brookings Institute did not respond to requests for comment from the Associated Press. Recently, the institute claimed to have stopped receiving Qatari funds.

It is alleged that Allen lobbied Trump NSA H.R. McMaster to take on a friendlier stance to Qatar.

AP further reports:

"In a June 9 email to [then McMaster, Allen said the Qataris were 'asking for some help' and wanted the White House or State Department to issue a statement with specific language calling on all sides of the Gulf diplomatic crisis to 'act with restraint.'


"Federal law enforcement officials say then-Secretary of State Rex Tillerson did what Allen told McMaster the Qataris wanted done two days later, issuing a statement that 'shifted away from earlier statements by the White House.' Tillerson’s statement called on other Gulf countries to 'ease the blockade against Qatar' and asked 'that there be no further escalation by the parties in the region.'"