Anonymous ID: db2482 Oct. 7, 2022, 9:24 p.m. No.17669738   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9831 >>9837

‘We Must not Stop There’ Abortion Methods Should become Part of ‘Training for Doctors’ – Minister


Germany’s family minister has now suggested that “methods of abortion” should become part of a doctor’s medical training.


Lisa Paus, the German Green party minister for family, has suggested that the normal medical training for doctors should include “methods of abortion”.


Her call comes shortly after the country further liberalised its abortion laws, lifting a ban on openly advertising the service despite protests from politicians in opposition to the ruling leftist coalition.


According to a report by Die Zeit, Paus believes that the liberalising of the country’s abortion laws has not gone far enough.


“We must not stop there,” the publication reports the minister as saying. “The various medical methods of abortion should be part of the training for doctors, for example.”


To this end, Paus is reportedly in contact with the country’s lockdown-loving health minister, Karl Lauterbach, in regards to the possibility of making her desire a reality.


Paus also reportedly is interested in seeing reference to abortion pulled from Germany’s criminal code, with the minister reportedly expressing the belief that reference to the life-ending procedure does not belong there.


It comes shortly after the German government gutted the code late last week as part of efforts to further liberalise the country’s abortion regime, lifting a ban on the advertisement of abortion services by doctors.


This occurred on the same day that the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that the American constitution did not include any rights to an abortion, and that individual U.S. states could instead decide to legislate the matter in whatever way they pleased.


The German abortion law liberalisation spearheaded by the country’s left-wing “traffic light” coalition government was condemned by a number of opposition parties who have seats within the country’s parliament, with both the populist Alternative für Deutschland (AfD) and centrist Christlich Demokratische Union (CDU) coming out to oppose the move.


“The abolition of the advertising ban is a mistake,” CDU legal policy spokesman Dr. Günter Krings previously said in a statement regarding the matter, with the party official arguing that the move was an affront to the dignity of the aborn.


What’s more, Krings also claimed that the parliamentary move actually represented a political annulment of a decision made by the German courts regarding abortion, something that represents a problem for the concept of the separation of powers within the German state.


“This ultimately undermines trust in our rule of law,” he went on to argue.