Anonymous ID: d2a4ae Oct. 7, 2022, 10:48 p.m. No.17675544   🗄️.is đź”—kun


>can u just in laymans term explain what you are trying to prove.


the only way to actually verify Q is with a ZERO delta between Q's post and DJT


start with that logic framework


the Q post has to come FIRST inside the 60 second delta, and THEN the DJT post


so we know Q posted FIRST,

not just sitting around watching POTUS social and hit the reply button really quick when POTUS posts


then, anons take a CAP of both posts

the Q post

and the DJT social media post that is 0 delta with it

and make a proof


then, Q tags a "correct" PROOF to confirm that was actually the correct set of posts that were being called out


THAT is how you verify Q

and it does not require a tripcode

it DOES require pre-calling the shot


and hits a 0 DELTA


that is the BASIC first step




Q has "called a shot" for the SCOTUS opinion on WV v EPA, calling it as 5/4 in favor

this opinion has not been released yet

future will prove past



when that opinion is released

and WV vs EPA is actually decided on a 5/4 margin

that will be FINAL proof that the poster that did the above things isactuallyQ

and not some fake and gay imposter


find any faults in that logic?

any more questions?


(The q-boomer known as Pedo Watkins, cant do load-balancing HAPROXY, sneed copium kek penis funny poop funny)

Anonymous ID: d2a4ae Oct. 7, 2022, 10:50 p.m. No.17675741   🗄️.is đź”—kun

Tracking The Unvaccinated: Canada's Branch Of WHO is Hiring for the Centre for Immunization Surveillance.


Worlds puppet governments are gearing up for the next phase of the End Game

Exposing The Darkness is a reader-supported publication. To support my work, please consider becoming a subscriber.


While Canadians are distracted by the Federal and Provincial political puppets selections, the Public Health Agency Of Canada (PHAC) is busy hiring for the Centre for Immunization Surveillance as part of the Vaccine Rollout Task Force.


Since the PHAC is de-facto a Branch the WHO, it is fair to say that the health data of millions of Canadians will be gathered and surveilled by the WHO itself.


From the investigative report by The Counter Signal:


…According to an email sent by Health Canada’s media relations team, the Centre for Immunization Surveillance is an organizational component within Vaccine Rollout Task Force that is looking to hire epidemiology candidates skilled in economics and social science (EC) data collection.


The Counter Signal was notified of the internal job postings, many of which come with an over six-figure price tag and are open to the Canadian Armed Forces, late last week after journalist Andy Lee was contacted by a follower possibly employed by Health Canada.


… Health Canada lists four levels for which they’re hiring.


Those at the highest level (EC-07) are expected to manage teams and have “experience with the operation of surveillance systems at the national level.” They should also have experience developing and maintaining national collaborative networks at the federal or provincial level on surveillance and be able to conduct quantitative epidemiologic data analysis.


Health Canada adds that “The conditions of employment for the opportunities include a “Secret” level security clearance and full vaccination against COVID-19 unless accommodated based on a medical, religious or other prohibited ground.”


… Now that the pandemic is essentially over, with cases dropping precipitously and travel restrictions around the world ending, it isn’t clear why Health Canada and the federal government feel it’s necessary to continue collecting Canadians’ health data for statistical analysis.


It could be that the government is anticipating a new viral outbreak in the near future. Or it could be that the government is preparing to launch a new COVID campaign to administer the up to 100 million COVID vaccines that Moderna’s new Quebec facility will begin producing as soon as 2024. Read the entire report


The government is not “anticipating a new viral outbreak in the near future” they are preparing to the next phase of the Plandemic plan which will be happening globally.


Worlds puppet governments are gearing up for the next phase of the End Game

“Worlds so-called leaders are actors performing in One Giant Scripted PSYOP " We are NOW 2 years into a 5-year plan for the TOTAL DESTRUCTION of the SOCIETY using Global Plandemics, Wars, Economic Collapse, and FOOD SHORTAGES."


The Russian puppet government who is “fighting the NWO” according to some alternative media disinformation agents, is actively participating:


“Rospotrebnadzor (the Russian branch of the UN/WHO) “received requests from the countries of the [Eurasian Economic Union] and the WHO European Region for advisory and practical assistance in countering the spread of the monkeypox virus, including the use of Russian test systems. If necessary, appropriate assistance will be provided to partners.”


People need to wake up to the fact that every single world government is controlled, the sovereignty is an illusion, elections are selections - a Hegelian Dialectics play performed by puppet politicians for the “useless eaters”.


The entire historical and political reality is a scripted show, a grand deception run by the Harlot system for centuries.


The End Game is The Beast system, ruled by a one world leader:


“We must move as quickly as possible to a one-world government, one-world religion under a one-world leader.” R.Muller, author of the World Core Educational curriculum


Thus he said: “The fourth beast shall be the fourth kingdom on earth, which shall be different from all other kingdoms, and shall devour the whole earth, trample it and break it in pieces - Daniel 7:23


(The q-boomer known as Pedo Watkins, cant do load-balancing HAPROXY, sneed copium kek penis funny poop funny)