Anonymous ID: a4852c Oct. 10, 2022, 2:10 p.m. No.17689177   🗄️.is 🔗kun

as an OG


you losers are boring and this movement is 404


i hold on the the teachings of Q and it has helped me immensely, however its clear that the deepstate has demonized Q to such a point where you guys are reserved to a tiny corner of the internet.


ill be back to shitpost and troll you losers on my downtime.


ill be back when there is concrete evidence that Q is in fact back,


but that seems unlikely as every ounce of power the Trump administrations patriots had in the NSA and other vital agencies is gone.


the deepstate has control of DC and do you think they will allow "Q" to post like he did during Trumps reign using THEIR secure coms and technology?