Anonymous ID: f9a3b3 Oct. 10, 2022, 2:07 p.m. No.17688695   🗄️.is 🔗kun




Durham’s job was to run out the clock during the Trump Administration — he was there to protect Obama and Biden and the national security state from any accountability. Think about it. Why did you trust Durham at all? You trusted John Durham because you were told to trust him by Bill Barr — and the same people who told you to trust Barr were the ones who told you to trust Rod Rosenstein. Before that, you were told that Matt Whitaker was riding to the rescue. Do you even remember being told to trust John Huber? And who can forget trusting Jeff Sessions?


Do you see where this is going?


Let’s ask a different question: why do you need to trust anybody? The Left burns down entire cities in coordinated riots to achieve its political objectives. The Left tries to assassinate a conservative Supreme Court justice to stop anti-abortion legislation right after forcing a liberal Supreme Court justice into retirement in order to install an even more left-wing justice. The Left, in other words, trusts nobody because it only cares about results.


Meanwhile, you were told: sit back and watch the show.


You were told: trust the plan.


The question is: why were you dumb enough to believe Durham in the first place?