Anonymous ID: ab5b89 Oct. 10, 2022, 2:07 p.m. No.17688686   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Is there anywhere people are gathering online to discuss (kinetic) action against state/federal Gov? I know, anons are non violent but the state I'm currently in is about to pass laws that make all my guns (even my .22) illegal, pedo grooming legal and there was something else dealing with red flags.


We aren't "winning", we aren't even making a damn dent. People are awake but everyone is still screaming "I'd never stoop to violence" meanwhile the Davos crowd is patting each other on the back for killing 50% of the global population and preparing their final death knell.


I've read the Q posts, followed Trump, served in the Military I'm absolutely convinced, NCSWIC doesn't mean what we all think it means. We either find a place/way to unite, lay out logistics and do what has to be done together or be ready to watch each other die one-by-one.


Oh, as of today I've lost 16 relatives to the damn Vax and my father was just diagnosed with lymph(something or other) cancer. He's seeing a doc for "quality of life" discussion today. My family is pissed at me for pointing out that means he's terminal.


Sorry, love you fags but life isn't throwing some of us curve balls it's tossing corpses of family/friends,

