He went to completely different schools.
He went to completely different schools.
Good point. These schools are all in the same area. It's plausible roommates in the same house/apartment could have gone to different universities an the same time.
Can't be him. He was born 7 years after Hussein. It's unlikely he was in college at the same time. And he went to schools in Penn and DC, not Mass.
But why go through the trouble of faking that? They leave so much other stuff out in the open.
The shills went apeshit with gay porn and misinfo as soon as we started looking at Sohale Sissiqi. That is the best confirmation we could ever get.
Ag = Agriculture.
It can't possibly be Verma.
Wrong schools. Wrong age. They don't even look alike.
Why would they go to so much trouble to forge this kind of stuff when they leave so much else out in the open?
Worth digging into further. But be aware that Siddiqi is a fairly common Paki surname.
I have a hunch that if we do digging through photos of State Department interactions with their Pakistani counterparts (or other ambassadorial kinda stuff) we will find this guy and his distinctive nose sitting in the background somewhere and with a different name in the captions.