They murdered my best friend already and if you work for a 3 letter agency and are reading this post you know they have done much worse than that. I'm not guilty of their crimes. I'm waiting for assurances to be given. How many people did they murder trying to take away my free speech? How much money was spent trying to brainwash and compromise me? You know you are asking the right questions when the only thing you hear is silence.
I can make shit stick.
Some of these are captions.
Give me the truth and let me worry about my own mental health. I'm more worried about you at the moment.
I don't multitask.
This anon knows the plan.
I want assurances of my loved ones' safety and then I want to heal while the military and contractors do a professional job on the kid fuckers.
I have some software I want to build too, that I won't do outside an airgap. I'm not a fucking idiot like the sales department they had managing the shop at RSA.
Torture is on the table. Someone left it open.