Ok, I've been seeing this for the last few weeks, but not for months before. I lurked.
WTF is the 'lb' about? SPILL.
Ok, I've been seeing this for the last few weeks, but not for months before. I lurked.
WTF is the 'lb' about? SPILL.
Unless you designed the hardware (and know enough to do it securely), wrote the drivers and the software the deletes it, you should assume it is somewhere. It is possible to 'erase' just about any device (except write-only physical devices.)
Regarding random: If you have a hardware random number generation that you KNOW is ONLY based on quantum phenomenon (like diode avalanche, photon probability, etc.) then that's essentially random for all practical purposes. ANYTHING else is not random and if the above is not 100% known to you (hardware and software security), then you don't even know that.
Have a nice day.
thank you, anon. my life just got better.
Oh, I'm not newโฆ.I lurked for a LONG time on that one. Just drove me crazy. Glad I asked.
>how many % wise of techies can do what you so finely explained?
Almost none. Those of us who do encourage Q to help us rebuild the whole fucking tech industry FROM THE GROUND UP.
>Can IG disclose evidence in pending criminal cases in public disclosures/reports?
Modified reports. Redactions.
>Why did the Podesta Group close?
Shut down by feds.
>Public charges?
>Why close?
No - would compromise other investigations.
>When did Huber start?
Early 2017 (?)
Charges filed.
>JP/ Huma NOV.
>Do they know?
Yes, some of them, but likely not all not directly charged.
>Why did the Podesta group close?
To shut down the BRIDGE.
>Why no leaks?
Gag orders under penalty of being in even deeper shit.
>Who else knows?
Very few.
>HRC deal request?
She knew she was fucked even on just this.
Cunthead witchy shit would cop to these charges to stop other investigations.
IG has limits Huber does not (?)
>Can IG disclose evidence in pending criminal cases in public disclosures/reports?
>Why not?
Would compromise other ongoing investigations.
>Grand jury TAINT/BIAS?
>Everyone has an opinion.
Unless they don't know about it before they're sitting on the grand jury.
Cannot allow cabal to taint the grand jury pool while the roto-rooter is busy ripping the parasites out of the sewer.
This will age well.
If Q just dumped this list, that means this is about to be REALLY RELEVANT all over hell's half acre.
>Huber started Nov. 2017.
Thank you, anon. I didn't realize Huber was started that late in 2017.
>Yeah like 6 months from nowโฆ ><
I don't think soโฆ. Q dropping names like this has a lag to it, but it usually becomes relevant relatively quickly after a drop so specific. We'll see.
eyebrows don't look like a very good match.
Ok, this is what I thought - Huber was already working well before November? I thought he was activated very early in 2017.
>The indictments
Maybe some indictments, but I'll bet it is just an initial wave. I think this shitstorm is just getting started and it'll be going on for years.
^^ THIS.
Either that or it really is just some maladjusted 14 year old linux scriptkiddie with access to a class B network who thinks dick pictures are cool. Either way, don't eat paint chips.
Cartridges are cheaper and faster. I don't care about their pain. I just want them dead.
Oh, they know. Question is how thorough will the purge be? Many patient patriots watching very closely because the alternative to a thorough purge is not pretty.